
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines


Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies is an open-access interdisciplinary journal edited once a year at Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Ad Americam publishes double-blind peer-reviewed articles by scholars on North and Latin American history, politics, law, culture, sociology and comparative studies.
It is rather impossible to predict the exact time that will be required to process any given manuscript but usual time between final decisions and print publication is about 6-8 months. The editors make all final decisions upon the advice of members of the editorial board and two independent reviewers. The review process usually takes up to 8 weeks. Authors will receive a proofread copy of the manuscript for final approval.
Please be aware that license agreement will be signed between the Publisher and the Author after accepting the final manuscript for publication. Prospective author(s) MUST include the ORCID identification number when submitting the manuscript for consideration.


The article should be submitted as an email attachment, formatted in double-spacing, 12-point font. Leave 2.5 cm margins on all sides of page. Contributions MUST include keywords and abstract of the article (of approximately 200 words). Contact address and a short biographical note (of approximately 100 words) must also be submitted but saved in a separate file. Authors should remove all self-identification information (e.g. names, institutional affiliations, email addresses) from articles. Any such material may be added back into the manuscript, if it is accepted for publication.

Spelling must confirm to American usage, please check if it is consistent throughout.

References to other works: please follow the MLA style. In-text citations should be placed, within parentheses, at the appropriate locations within the text. Each citation should consist of the author’s last name (or authors’ last names), followed by page number(s).

In case of any doubts, please refer to
Any notes should be numbered consecutively and placed, also doubled spaced, at the bottom of the page. Authors are responsible for using proper DOI numbers in their notes.

Any acknowledgments, declaration of conflicting interests or statements of financial support should be placed in an unnumbered note at the bottom of the first page.

The section heading for the list of works cited should be “References,” not “Bibliography.” References should not be numbered.

While acknowledging opportunities of any generative AI tools, we also see potential risks for communicating your research and providing integrity of publishing standards. To mitigate such risks, we expect authors to include a disclosure statement clearly acknowledging any use of such tools.

Manuscripts that are failing to meet the particular style goals of the journal, will not be sent out for review.


All contributions should be sent in the Word format as an e-mail attachment to

Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has NOT previously been published and had NOT been submitted for publication elsewhere. Prospective authors are fully responsible for obtaining permission to use any material in which they do not own copyright.

Contributors of any nationality are welcomed.

Following publication, a copy of the printed journal will be sent to the author(s).


The journal does not charge authors for article submission, processing or any publishing-related activities. The only applicable criterion is manuscript’s quality addressed by the peer review process.

Privacy Statement

The names, email addresses and ORCID numbers entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For more information please look at the Publisher's Privacy Policy.