of Scientific Journals, Ksiegarnia Akademicka Publishingjournals@akademicka.plOpen Journal Systems<p><em>Politeja</em> is published by the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University, where a circle has formed of academics perfectly qualified for undertaking such reflection. It seems that it is in this particular unit of the Jagiellonian University that such reflection finds a forum perfectly equipped for an in-depth and solid analysis of phenomena of present-day relevance, both cultural and political, given that it has combined units existing for a long time with newly established ones, albeit in both cases comprising experienced researchers capable of looking at the same phenomena from various vantage points.</p> Matter2024-12-17T08:16:27+01:002024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024ęp2024-12-17T09:41:30+01:002024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024’s Theory of Regime Change: A Reexamination of Politics 5.1-5.32025-01-10T15:21:34+01:00Clifford Angell Bates,<p>This paper offers a re-examination of Aristotle’s theory of <em>metabole</em> found in the first three chapters of <em>Politics</em> 5. I argue that Aristotle offers a general theory of political change, which highlights the logic and mechanism that will explain not only why regimes will change but also what are the causes and triggers for such change. This paper offers a re-reading of these three chapters showing that what is being addressed here is much more dynamic and useful to contemporary scholars of political science than most presentations of these chapters present.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 polityki z estetyką2025-01-10T15:21:32+01:00Piotr Ł<p><strong>SYMBIOTIC RELATIONS BETWEEN POLITICS AND AESTHETICS</strong></p> <p>The paper is an extension of the thesis on the essential relationships between the spaces of meanings determined by the conceptualisations of politics and aesthetics at the level of language and perception. Discovering these relations is the basis for building a research project in the form of semantics of political phenomena understood as a research project in the field of political theory. Politics in the proposed model is conditioned by the structure of the social cultural space shaped by the feedback loops between language, imagination and perception that determine political behaviour. At the level of meta analysis, the above model fits in with the results of empirical research and theoretical approaches to cognitive processes in cognitive sciences, in which perception is the basis for higher cognitive levels, including political thinking and political axiology.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 demokracji jako proces2025-01-10T15:21:30+01:00Arkadiusz<p><strong>THE CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY AS A PROCESS. FROM A CRISIS OF TRUST TO THE DESTRUCTION OF INSTITUTIONS</strong></p> <p>The main goal of this article was to propose a theoretical model of the democratic crisis process from a dynamic perspective. This article contributes to crisis research by proposing a theoretical framework, i.e. a model of a dynamic approach to the crisis distinguishing individual elements of the process and the relationships between them. The model of crisis of democracy as a process can be a useful analytical tool for examining the issue of contemporary political changes. Key to the topic discussed were the crisis of trust, the destruction of institutions and populist politics. Based on the proposed model, it is important that in crisis matters we can talk about a linear process as a sequence of events and phenomena that follow each other and are interdependent, but this relationship is not always reversible. It is also important to jointly analyse the factors influencing the crisis of trust as a conglomerate of interdependent and supportive phenomena and to take into account the aspect of emotions and subjective assessments.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024ędzy widzialnością a autentycznością w demokracji2025-01-10T15:21:28+01:00Piotr Ł<p><strong>BETWEEN VISIBILITY AND AUTHENTICITY IN DEMOCRACY: THE SPACE OF POLITICS IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF HANNAH ARENDT AND ITS CONTEMPORARY RECONFIGURATIONS</strong></p> <p>The aim of the article is to look at the pluralistic democratic space of politics as a game of appearances devoid of authenticity, and shaped by contemporary media technologies in which political opinions have become a derivative of social cognition, referring primarily to perception (visualisation of politics). In this role, it replaced public debate, diversified in form and content, referring to the principles of rationality, which reflected the competitive system of interests and ideas. The theoretical basis for presenting democratic practice as a theatre game – more precisely, a strictly enacted and inauthentic staging based on diverse visual communication – will be Hannah Arendt’s phenomenological perspective. According to the philosopher, the space of politics is mainly a public area of exchange and confrontation in the dimension of visibility and audibility, where we are dealing with revealing ourselves (political actors) in the space of appearance (the articulation process as a result of subjective activity). The starting point for presenting the tension between authenticity and visibility resulting from Arendt’s assumptions will be a discussion of the attributes of a contemporary pluralistic society from the point of view of her theory of the human condition.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bird on Libertarianism 2025-01-16T08:31:35+01:00Paweł<p>In this article, I delve into Colin Bird’s critical evaluation of libertarianism. Bird positions this strand within his broader framework of “liberal individualism,” and he contends that libertarianism, as a prime exemplar of liberal individualism, is inherently self-contradictory because of the perceived tension between self-ownership and individual inviolability. Employing logical and comparative analyses, this research rigorously examines the accuracy of Bird’s reconstruction and interpretation of libertarianism, while also assessing the validity of his assertion that libertarianism harbours internal contradictions. The findings suggest that Bird’s argument does not hold primarily due to misinterpreting the core tenets of libertarianism.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 ruchy tożsamościowe i racjonalność materialna. Przyczynek do dyskusji o potrzebie nowej wersji teorii krytycznej2025-01-10T15:21:25+01:00Waldemar<p><strong>BIOPOLITICAL IDENTITY MOVEMENTS AND MATERIAL RATIONALITY. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE DISCUSSION ON THE NEED FOR A NEW VERSION OF CRITICAL THEORY</strong></p> <p>In the article, the author argues for the need to formulate a new version of critical theory. This would be a theory that, unlike the proposal developed by members of the Frankfurt School, builds its identity around the so called substantive (material) rationality. According to the author of the paper, the usefulness of this new version of critical theory is revealed when it is applied to the phenomena occurring in the postmodern public sphere, especially in the context of the analysis of biopolitical identity movements. The article consists of three parts. The first briefly recalls the main critical arguments made by Frankfurters against instrumental rationality. The second attempts to define the concept of substantive rationality. The last – third – part of the article, the author begins with a definition of biopolitics, and then focuses his attention on a specific version of it, which are the aforementioned biopolitical identity movements.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rivalry in the Light of Leigh van Halen’s Red Queen Hypothesis2025-01-10T15:21:24+01:00Jarosław Nocoń<p>The Red Queen hypothesis is a popular model for analysing the phenomenon of competition in nature. It establishes mutual dependencies between competing species that stimulate their changes and adaptation processes to new conditions. The result of such competition is a self-propelling race, which allows for the evaluation of its effects, including the benefits for the participants. This dependency structure is often used to analyse interactions in social behaviour, especially the optimisation of economic competition strategies in a free market. The Red Queen model appears to be a useful tool for interpreting political competition phenomena and analysing interactions between political entities. However, there are relatively few references to its analytical applications in political science literature. The article discusses three fundamental issues related to the possibilities of political exploration of the Red Queen hypothesis. Firstly, it presents arguments justifying the use of an evolutionary interpretation for political research. Secondly, it identifies key implications arising from the perception of political competition through the prism of the discussed Leigh Van Halen model. The concepts of competition and cooperation were taken into account, with cooperation being considered a form of coopetition in the political sphere of social life. The final section identifies the key dimensions of analysis for competition among politicians, political parties, and states on the international stage.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024Śmierć podmiotu?2025-01-10T15:21:22+01:00Joanna<p><strong>DEATH OF THE SUBJECT? THE EXPLANATORY POSSIBILITIES OF ANTI-HUMANISM IN </strong><strong>POLITICAL SCIENCE</strong></p> <p>The role and position of the human individual in the world has almost always been the subject of scientific inquiry – from extremely deterministic to fully activist approaches. Regardless of the assumptions made, the human being has been the reference point for analysing all social phenomena. As a result of the dynamic changes in the contemporary world, perspectives that break with anthropocentrism have emerged, such as anti-humanism, which postulates a redefinition of the concepts of subject or agency. In the context of transcending the boundaries of humanity, analyses that go beyond the hitherto humanist framework make sense. They can be particularly helpful for political theory, giving it new exploratory possibilities.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 wymiar antypolityki – od modelu do badań empirycznych2025-01-10T15:21:20+01:00Jacek Ziół<p><strong>THE PARTICIPATORY DIMENSION OF ANTI-POLITICS – FROM MODEL TO EMPIRICAL </strong><strong>RESEARCH</strong></p> <p>The article aims to explore the phenomenon and state of research on anti‑politics. This issue has been extensively studied in Western Europe and North America but is rarely discussed in the Polish context. The author focuses on the considerations regarding the definition of anti-politics, along with its various aspects and dimensions. The underlying assumption is that anti politics, as a highly complex phenomenon, can be studied either in its individual aspects or in a holistic manner. The article’s main goal is to concentrate on the participatory (passive) aspect of anti-politics, which involves citizens’ extremely negative assessments and attitudes towards politics and politicians, as well as their declining political participation. The author begins by reviewing the existing research and then presents proposals for a model and operationalisation of the anti-politics phenomenon. The entire framework of the author’s model and operationalisation of anti-politics, particularly in the participatory aspect, serves as a research proposal. The text also aims to present and popularise research on anti-politics among Polish researchers and highlight the potential role of political theorists in these studies.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kufliń<p><strong>EUROCENTRISM: A PROPOSAL FOR A THEORETICAL AXIAL MODEL</strong></p> <p>The article is a proposal of a model for mapping Eurocentrism in the social sciences and humanities. The model consists of two axes, the materialistic axis and the epistemological axis. The aim of the model is 1) to approximate the meaning of Eurocentrism, 2) to help answer the question whether something (statement, theory, concept, etc.) is Eurocentric, and if so, in what sense. The author begins by explaining the relationship between Eurocentrism and ethnocentrism. On selected examples, he presents a model, describing what the materialistic and epistemological axes refer to. Then, in the next two examples, the author shows the practical application of the model, which reveals its ambivalent and relational character. Finally, the author indicates areas requiring further research.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024ść technologiczna - teoretyczna i analityczna konceptualizacja pojęcia w obszarze badań społecznych2025-01-10T15:21:17+01:00Piotr<p><strong>TECHNOLOGICAL SOVEREIGNTY – THEORETICAL AND ANALYTICAL CONCEPTUALIZATION </strong><strong>OF THE CONCEPT IN THE FIELD OF SOCIAL RESEARCH</strong></p> <p>The purpose of the article is to adapt the concept of technological sovereignty to the Polish scientific discourse with the postulate of expanding research in this area. This article is an effort to implement the concept and improve the perception of the policy of technological sovereignty into the properties of the cognitive category of security science and political science. Under this premise, the theoretical and analytical designators extracted in the course of analysis allow the construction of a research operative. The article attempts to provide a theoretical and cognitive account of technological sovereignty in the context of the geo-economic paradigm and the concept of technological warfare.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024ój jako wartość2025-01-10T15:21:15+01:00Mirosław<p><strong>PEACE AS A VALUE. AN AXIOLOGICAL PATH FOR THE POLITICAL SCIENTIST</strong></p> <p>The object of peace research in political science can and should not only be the totality of the conditions and forms of the existence of this phenomenon (to which the analytical-diagnostic concept of peace corresponds) or the normative regulation of relations between states to establish, restore or guarantee peace in specific historical and legal circumstances. The axiological context of the notion of peace – that is, considering peace in terms of values – also deserves reflection. Then, however, it is not only the utilitarian, pragmatic value of peace as a favourable, secure state of affairs that comes into play, but above all the abstract, universalist idea of peace as a moral value dictated by humanism and humanitarianism. An idea that fulfils a multiple role: a rule of conduct in relations of coexistence and potential competition or conflict, a model of a desirable type of coexistence, a long-range or immediate goal, a tool for the realisation of other goals and values. And also – a factor of positive motivation in diplomatic and educational activities, in economic and cultural cooperation. With reference to specific historical situations and the attitudes of specific political forces, leaders, the researcher has to determine whether, in a given context, peace is treated as a universal value or only particularly and occasionally convenient; whether it is for the participants in the interaction an absolute, unconditional and intrinsic value or, on the contrary, a relative (relativised) value, respected or pushed conditionally and selectively; whether it is an end in itself or only a means of achieving the right goals. It is also difficult to avoid the seemingly trivial level of the issue: if peace is a value, then how much is it worth concretely and practically under the given circumstances, what price are we prepared to pay for peace. It is precisely such questions that are key to analysing the motivations, intentions, calculations and decisions made by politicians.<strong><br /></strong></p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024ść koncepcji praktyk repartycji do analizy polskiej kampanii parlamentarnej 2023 roku2025-01-10T15:21:13+01:00Piotr<p><strong>THE USEFULNESS OF THE CONCEPT OF REPARTITION PRACTICES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE POLISH PARLIAMENTARY CAMPAIGN IN 2023<br /><br /></strong>The article focuses on repartition practices and social divisions that became visible in the discourse of the Polish parliamentary campaign in 2023. The article attempts to: 1) recreate them based on the discourse analysis of the mentioned campaign, 2) verify the usefulness of the concept of practices (proposed at the beginning of 2023) for analysing the patterns of defining the features of contemporary reality. The aim of the article is to discuss the politicisation of divisions during the 2023 campaign and their verification using the concept of repartition practices. The analysis showed that the practices used referred to divisions that had arisen and had already been politicised many times. It confirmed that the practices used reproduced the social inequalities that dominated these divisions. Moreover, it showed that the politicisation of divisions through practices continues and that the practices used address inequalities rooted in society. The article confirms the need for further research on Polish divisions and their various forms of politicisation, including repartition practices.<strong><br /></strong></p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 patriotyzmu krytycznego jako punkt odniesienia polskiej polityki historycznej2025-01-10T15:21:11+01:00Katarzyna Gł<p><strong>THE CONCEPT OF „CRITICAL PATRIOTISM” AS A BENCHMARK FOR POLISH POLITICS OF </strong><strong>MEMORY: PARLIAMENTARY DISCOURSE ON THE KATYN MASSACRES AND THE GENOCIDE </strong><strong>IN VOLHYNIA<br /><br /></strong>The article focuses on the idea of “critical patriotism”, expressed mainly in the prominent essay <em>Two fatherlands, two patriotisms</em> published in the early 1980s by Jan Józef Lipski. The Discourse-Historical Approach in Critical Discourse Analysis was applied to examine over 30 commemorative resolutions adopted by the Polish Sejm and the Senate <em>between</em> the years 1990 and 2019. The author argues that the concept espoused by J.J. Lipski had (and still has) great impact on the political elites of the Third Polish Republic. The article will demonstrate that the analysed documents strongly reflect the discourse associated with the idea of “critical patriotism”.<strong><br /></strong></p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 mir2025-01-10T15:21:10+01:00Dymitr<p><strong>RUSSKI MIR: IDEA, IDEOLOGY, MYTH<br /></strong><br />The article analyses the phenomenon of the “Russian World”. It discusses key concepts of this new ideology, such as a new church-state synthesis, defense of traditional values, and a new ecumenism. Additionally, it explores the synthesis of nation and religion in the new Eurasian concept, the relationship between political revival and the recovery of lost territories, and attempts to rebuild national unity and restore a holistic approach to tradition and history.<strong><br /></strong></p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 kultury politycznej Marka Sobolewskiego2025-01-10T15:21:08+01:00Małgorzata Kuł<p><strong>MAREK SOBOLEWSKI’S MODEL OF POLITICAL CULTURE AS AN EXAMPLE OF ADAPTATION </strong><strong>OF GABRIEL ALMOND’S THEORETICAL CONCEPT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE SOCIALIST </strong><strong>SOCIETY</strong></p> <p>The article presents Marek Sobolewski’s attempt to adapt Gabriel A. Almond’s concept of political culture to the conditions of socialist regime and society. It focuses on the theoretical methods of accommodating the capitalist theoretical concept to the socio-political conditions of Poland in the 1970s. It emphasises the mechanisms and tools of constructing theoretical models used by Sobolewski, the strategy of moving away from speculation to the use of analogy, and highlights the usefulness of research intuition. It also displays Sobolewski’s endeavour to reflect within the theoretical concept the guiding principles of the socio-political order of the time. The article focuses on the theoretical rules of constructing and adapting models in the social sciences. Its purpose is not to assess the adequacy, usefulness or accuracy of the concept created, but to showcase the role of the scientific and political conditions of its creation and its theoretical and methodological dimensions.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Contemporary Political Representation Theory2025-01-10T15:21:06+01:00Mateusz Zieliń<p>In this work, I will attempt to address the question of what lies ahead for the theory of political representation after the “constructivist turn” that has dominated this theoretical field in recent years. In doing so, I draw upon the influential theory of Michel Saward, whose contributions have ignited inter-paradigmatic debates involving, among others, feminist authors and theorists advocating for radical democratic theory. In the article, I explore both Saward’s own arguments and the key propositions presented by his opponents. I emphasise that his assumptions not only necessitate a reformulation of the technical aspects of representation (its sources of legitimacy and principles of accountability) but also reveal the need for a theoretical reflection on the effects of new forms of “representative claims”. As I will endeavour to demonstrate, these claims lead us to a debate on the nature of “political relationships”, which I define as situations in which two or more political subjectivities mutually condition each other.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024, prawne i polityczne konteksty funkcjonowania państw de facto w stosunkach międzynarodowych2025-01-10T15:21:04+01:00Iwona Krzyż<p><strong>THEORETICAL, LAW AND POLITICAL CONTEXTS OF THE FUNCTIONING OF DE FACTO STATES </strong><strong>IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS</strong></p> <p>The issue of the functioning of de facto states in the international environment, its importance and the problems faced by the communities that create them, as well as other political entities, cannot be enfolded by one field of knowledge. Although the question appears to be within the scope of international law, disputes between legal theories do not address the political causes and effects of current recognition practices. States, as creators of international law, have no political interest in changing the ways of recognising new state entities, because they are afraid of weakening their own position and the international system that is based on them. Theoretical analysis in the field of international relations theory offer another important research perspective to this issue, although classical and critical theories differ significantly in their assessment and proposed solutions.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 the Values and Rules-Based International Order2025-01-10T15:21:02+01:00Piotr Zemanizeman@ukr.netEdyta Kł Kuź<p>The aim of this paper is twofold. The first objective is to present the framework for a theoretical model describing and explaining an international phenomenon of a political and legal nature, i.e. an international order based on values and rules (VRBIO, values and rules-based international order). This model is the result of joint work conducted by political scientists, IR scholars and international legal scholars, and takes into account ontological, epistemological, descriptive and explanatory components. In addition to presenting the results of theoretical work on the international phenomenon addressed in the present study, another objective of this article is discuss the challenges and opportunities of theorising across different disciplines – political science, international relations and international law. The platform for these meta-theoretical reflections is, of course, VRBIO.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Political – IR – IL Research on the Values and Rules-Based International Order, and the Opportunities for Theorizing the Phenomenon2025-01-10T15:21:00+01:00Piotr Kł Kuź<p>The article discusses a special type of modern structured international order, which is called the values and rules-based international order (VRBIO) and indicates potential lines of inter- and trans-disciplinary research on this phenomenon. The paper provides a joint political–IR–IL scientific description and explanation, basing on structural-functional approach. Among others, it addresses such issues as the nature and structure of VRBIO; classes of factors that form the “backbone” of VRBIO; the complexity of the international phenomenon. The article presents a wide range of research subjects concerning VRBIO, and multiplicity of topics and avenues to be taken in order to effectively deal with this complex phenomenon.</p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Matter2024-12-17T13:09:13+01:002024-11-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024