Politeja https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja <p><em>Politeja</em> is published by the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University, where a circle has formed of academics perfectly qualified for undertaking such reflection. It seems that it is in this particular unit of the Jagiellonian University that such reflection finds a forum perfectly equipped for an in-depth and solid analysis of phenomena of present-day relevance, both cultural and political, given that it has combined units existing for a long time with newly established ones, albeit in both cases comprising experienced researchers capable of looking at the same phenomena from various vantage points.</p> Księgarnia Akademicka Sp. z o.o. en-US Politeja 1733-6716 Front Matter https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6143 Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) Back Matter https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6164 Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) Wstęp https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6145 Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 5 7 Pojmowanie wolności https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6146 <p><strong>NOTIONS OF FREEDOM: A FEW APPROACHES THAT INTEREST A RESEARCHER OF POLITICAL THOUGHT</strong></p> <p>The historian of political thought is particularly interested in several ways of understanding freedom, both of the individual (the human person) and of the human community (such as the nation or the state). He analyzes both the old approaches (especially the republican ones) and the liberal and Christian, or rather Catholic, approaches that have remained in tension, especially in the last two centuries, using both the Old Testament approach (the freedom of the subject conditioned by the fulfilment of the law or the Law revealed by God) and the Greek one (freedom realized within the framework of the state community or through the fulfilment of the natural inclinations of all people). The author juxtaposes the most important approaches, showing the tensions between the way of understanding freedom, especially by the popes at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, and the former liberals, who set the trails that are still taken up today, including the proper approach called postmodernism.</p> Bogdan Szlachta Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 9 24 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.01 Utopie i światy alternatywne w multimediach, crossmediach i transmediach (wolność, odpowiedzialność, bezpieczeństwo, dobrostan) https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6147 <p><strong>UTOPIAS AND ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSES IN MULTIMEDIA, CROSSMEDIA AND TRANSMEDIA (FREEDOM, RESPONSIBILITY, SECURITY, WELL-BEING)<br /><br /></strong>This article deals with both the relationship between multimedia, crossmedia and transmedia, and the significance of values such as freedom, responsibility, security and wellbeing in contemporary media discourse. It explores how the media often distorts and manipulates the truth.<strong><br /></strong></p> Jerzy Jastrzębski Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 25 39 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.02 Przejrzystość i targetowanie reklamy politycznej w prawie Unii Europejskiej https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6148 <p>The aim of the article is to analyze and assess the effectiveness of actions taken by the European Union in recent years to counteract disinformation and various forms of manipulation of public opinion, with particular emphasis on the legal provisions adopted in 2024 regarding transparency and targeting of political advertising. The paper focuses primarily on substantive legal solutions, leaving aside organizational and procedural issues. It indicates that the provisions of Regulation 2024/900 strengthen the protection of the EU citizens’ rights, especially towards international media companies operating in the political advertising market and with the political entities themselves. They also create additional safeguards against external interference in EU elections and referendums. The degree of transparency of political advertising required by the provisions of Regulation 2024/900 was assessed positively. However, there are concerns about the possibility (limited) of using targeting techniques and advertising delivery using sensitive data in political advertising in Regulation 2024/900.</p> Sławomir Dudzik Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 41 63 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.03 Transformacja cyfrowa społeczeństwa jako czynnik wzmacniający demokrację w Unii Europejskiej https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6149 <p><strong>DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIETY AS A FACTOR ENHANCING DEMOCRACY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION<br /><br /></strong>The paper analyzes the role of ICTs as tools to mobilize groups with common interests, strengthening democracy through greater citizen participation in the political process. The paper hypothesizes that the digital transformation of the EU will bring about a more open and democratic society, allowing citizens to choose among different options and express their opinions. The paper also identifies the risk of spreading disinformation and manipulating public opinion through new technologies. In view of this risk, EU institutions are taking legal measures to prevent negative social effects resulting from the use of digital technologies. These solutions have been subjected to a dogmatic and legal analysis, pointing out that new technologies are only a tool, and their proper use depends on the presence of legal solutions that ensure respect for fundamental rights and freedoms in the digital environment. It is also necessary to create specific legislation that protects journalists, strengthens democracy by regulating political advertising on the Internet and serves to combat online disinformation.<strong><br /></strong></p> Inga Kawka Elżbieta Szczygieł Renata Śliwa Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 65 88 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.04 Celebryta jako autorytet https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6150 <p><strong>CELEBRITY AS AUTHORITY: CASE STUDY OF CREATING PERSONAL MEDIA AUTHORITY</strong></p> <p>The topic of this article is the figure of personal authority created in media. The author discusses different concepts of real (genuine, traditional etc.) personal authority and media (false, fake, pseudo) personal authority. Then the process of creating media personal authority is described: one of the methods is publishing the results of surveys about the issue. The research part of the article is devoted to the publication of Pudelek (a gossip website) entitled <em>Which celebrity is the personal authority for the Poles. One name reigns</em>. <em>(THE SURVEY)</em> and the comments at the discussion forum below the article. 581 posts from the forum are analyzed to examine the reaction of Pudelek’s audience for the act of creating the personal authorities and to discover the main dimensions of the personal authority perception as described in the readers’ comments. Five dimensions are discovered and described: Expertise, Communication skills, Morality, Attitude to the Community and Success. The common model of personal authority is surprisingly close to the concepts discussed in scientific papers. The author concludes that even the readers of Pudelek, the gossip website, are skeptical about the media personal authorities.</p> Marek Kochan Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.05 Przekład poetycki a komunikacja międzykulturowa (polskie tłumaczenie poezji Aco Szopowa) https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6151 <p><strong>POETIC TRANSLATION AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. (POETRY OF ACO ŠOPOV IN POLISH)</strong></p> <p>In his poems, Aco Šopov creates a new poetic world, hitherto unknown and hermetic for many. His poetic speech is filled with visionary imagery and symbols from the native land. The poet evokes archetypes in which feelings and collective experiences are transferred and an image of a surreal reality, existing beyond the laws of logic, reason, moral and aesthetic norms is formed. Aco Šopov’s visionary poems – rich in unusual and original metaphors, and allegorical images – offer the reader an extraordinary experience – a fascinating poetic insight into the Macedonian language, which in a hitherto unknown and revelatory way reveals its universal value in the context of unexpected threats.</p> Maciej Kawka Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.06 Zainteresowanie wolnością, odpowiedzialnością i bezpieczeństwem https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6152 <p><strong>INTEREST IN FREEDOM, RESPONSIBILITY AND SECURITY: THE CASE OF ACTIVE AND PASSIVE USERS OF “WIKIPEDIA”</strong></p> <p>The study concerns the interest of the creators of “Wikipedia” and those looking for information in it: freedom, responsibility and security. The position of “Wikipedia” as a currently very popular and therefore influential source of knowledge was pointed out. This was done in relation to the issue of freedom of information, responsibility for the consequences of information and the related safety of those seeking information among other issues. Then, the Wikipedia article “Freedom” was discussed, paying attention to the authorship of this text in connection with freedom, responsibility for the information provided and related security. The topic of Internet users’ interest in freedom was also discussed, based on the popularity of the topic of freedom compared to other issues.</p> Wojciech Misztal Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 117 132 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.07 Prawo do pełnej informacji w świetle nauczania Kościoła https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6153 <p><strong>THE RIGHT TO FULL INFORMATION IN THE LIGHT OF CHURCH TEACHING: THE CONTEXT OF REDUCING THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING</strong></p> <p>Communication related to the right to full information – in this context, information about reducing the harmful effects of smoking – promotes a culture of closeness and is a service to the integral development of the human person. There are many strategies and plans in the world to combat the effects of smoking. Looking at the issue of reducing the effects of smoking through the prism of the Church’s teaching, it should be recognized that any action that contributes to reducing the harmfulness of nicotine addiction is an action to improve health, and therefore is an action for the common good.</p> Robert Nęcek Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 133 147 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.08 Liryka konwersacyjna w funkcji narratywu – ideologem https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6154 <p><strong>CONVERSATIONAL LYRICYSM AS A NARRATIVE FUNCTION – IDEOLOGEME</strong></p> <p>The conversational lyric (an expression that we take from the Makjej Kavka’s study on the poetry of Aco Shopov and adapt it to poetry with an emphasized communicative function) opens new multimedia forms of public performance in front of a wide auditorium with a clearly emphasized contact (phatic), but also has a propaganda function, most often for political purposes. This especially applies to poetry whose main purpose was, and remains, the preservation of historical or cultural information, which could not be preserved in any form other than poetic and which can be actualized at any time in completely different social conditions. In the Macedonian poetry, this refers, first of all, to the poems formed during the Ilinden uprising (the so-called “teacher’s poetry” in which the works of the revolutionaries, like Goce Delchev and others are sung), during the National Liberation War, the poem “Ochi” by Aco Shopov; but also in the later period of the development of the modern Macedonian poetry, the poems “Teshkoto” and “Molitva” by Blaze Koneski, etc. Most of these songs today are especially actualized relevant during elections and other political campaigns. This paper presents the actualization of the poems that in specific current political events acquire the function, above all, of a political narrative (ideologeme), especially if it is about pre-election marketing (poems to Blaze Koneski in the pre-election period in 2016), or marking historical events and their celebration followed by multimedia forms that include interpreting poetry (October 11 – Day of the Uprising of the Macedonian people and October 23 – Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle) in 2023.</p> Dimitar Pandev Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 149 155 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.09 The News on Selected National Television Channels on the Macedonian National Holiday, October 11th, Day of Uprising of the Macedonian people https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6155 <p>In this research we examined the news on the four most-watched Macedonian national television channels broadcasting in the Macedonian language according to the Annual Report for 20221 by the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services2. We analysed the news from the above television channels presented on October 11th, Day of the Uprising of the Macedonian People, which is one of the most important Macedonian National Holidays for the Macedonian state. Going through the news flow and selection of information, we get the picture of the attitude of the television channel towards daily political events and the eventual political inclination. Consequently, the composition of the editorial team, the language employed, presentation style, and target audience all play pivotal roles in shaping the conveyed media messages. Especially, it is crucial to consider how the audience will react to the messages. This research shows that the editorial team plays a significant role in the final product of the programme, they decide on what information will be placed in the news, guided by the established editorial policy, which is assumed to be complying, i.e. should be complying to professional criteria: timeliness, relevance, truthfulness, completeness, and objectivity of the message3. Through production, i.e., creating media content, each medium creates a different representation of the same event. It is especially important to know who owns the medium.Each television channel uses a different linguistic expression, combining image, sound, text, film, etc. In this way, a different representation of reality is created in the media.</p> Elena Jovanova-Grujovska Marija Antevska Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 157 164 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.10 Odpowiedzialność rozszerzona jako czynnik niezbędny w walce z dezinformacją https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6156 <p><strong>EXTENDED RESPONSIBILITY AS A NECESSARY FACTOR IN THE FIGHT AGAINST DISINFORMATION: ANALYSIS OF OWN RESEARCH</strong></p> <p>When there were only traditional media such as press, radio or television, communication was structured and predictable. The emergence of the Internet and social media has not only changed us as users, but has significantly increased the amount of information, thus leading to chaos, an overabundance of content and an increase in the amount of misinformative materials. People whose professional activity is related to communication not only have a higher level of knowledge about disinformation, but also a different perspective on the issue of social responsibility for the quality of information. This shows how we can eliminate the thoughtless distribution of clickbyte content, the presence of which destroys the information ecosystem, lowering its quality, and start building a new one, free from half-truths and distortions. The concept of extended responsibility is a response to a challenge we have been struggling with for a long time, which provides opportunities for real improvement in the quality of communication. It is based on broadening perspective without limiting freedom, thus providing opportunities to use the potential of communication in all its dimensions.</p> Katarzyna Bąkowicz Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 165 178 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.11 Prasa i media szwedzkie wobec kryzysu emigracyjnego w Europie https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6157 <p><strong>THE PRESS AND SWEDISH MEDIA TOWARDS THE EMIGRATION CRISIS IN EUROPE</strong></p> <p>In the face of the emigration crisis in Europe, Swedish media focused on a wide range of topics, covering both the humanitarian dimension of the problem and the challenges related to the reception and integration of refugees. The press coverage was dominated by a humanitarian narrative, presenting dramatic stories of refugees who sought refuge from war, persecution and poverty.</p> Aleksandra Krawczyk-Mazan Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 179 189 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.12 Polska prasa podziemna wobec powstania w getcie warszawskim https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6158 <p><strong>THE POLISH UNDERGROUND PRESS IN THE FACE OF THE WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING</strong></p> <p>The Polish underground press, representing a variety of views and ideologies, had a diverse approach to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. In their articles, they often spoke favorably about the spirit of Jewish resistance in the face of Nazi cruelty, seeing this act of desperation and courage as an act of national solidarity in the fight for common values. The press also emphasized the political context, analyzing the situation as part of the broader fight for Poland’s independence.</p> Alan Beround Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 191 201 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.13 Medialne arterie współczesnej wolności człowieka https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6159 <p><strong>MEDIA ARTERIES OF CONTEMPORARY HUMAN FREEDOM: BENEFITS – DANGERS – RESPONSIBILITY</strong></p> <p>Media arteries mean roads or channels through which values, including valuable data, are delivered to people. Freedom of the media and freedom in the media and through means of communication is always human freedom. Freedom in the media should be placed on a strong foundation of values. They are the right way to treat recipients with dignity, they put on the shoulders of senders the care for the high quality of the message and they sharpen the vision of issues, many of which are blurred by the culture of temporariness. The media arteries of freedom are a transmission “from person to person”, so respect for human dignity is the appropriate benchmark for honesty, responsibility and truth. Access to huge amounts of data, especially today, requires improved transmission quality. Responsibility demands that we apply values in the media just because they are values. This criterion is the only valid artery of solidarity between users and broadcasters, and freedom in this version is not an absolute norm aimed at dominating the other. Freedom in the media is, above all, responsible freedom. Currently, everyone who has access to various media, by force of their own will, becomes a gatekeeper who should guard not only their own freedom, but also that of other people. Media arteries are characterized by professionalism, transparency of rules and creative potential realized in freedom with respect for the principles of objectivity. Media freedom is therefore the artery of freedom for truth.</p> Maciej Radej Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 203 216 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.14 Obraz powstania zabajkalskiego w tradycji, historii, legendzie oraz prasie rosyjskiej https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6160 <p><strong>THE IMAGE OF THE SIBERIAN UPRISING IN TRADITION, HISTORY, LEGEND AND THE RUSSIAN PRESS<br /><br /></strong>The Zabaikal Uprising is the aftermath of the January Uprising, after the end of which nearly 20,000 insurgents as well as active supporters of the last great independence uprising in the 19th century were sent to Siberian exile by the tsarist authorities. Building the “Baikal Road,” the exiles decided to launch an uprising with the goal of either leading a rebellion of all-Russian proportions or, just as likely, organizing the largest possible group of people to escape to China.<br />The uprising was quickly and bloodily suppressed. As a result of repression, the leaders of the uprising were executed while other participants were severely punished. These events did not resonate in the foreign press, which preferred to deal with the Prussian-Austrian war rather than another tragic uprising of the Siberian Legion of Free Poles. Some echoes of the uprising, however, found their way into the Russian press. Using available materials, the author of the paper (publication) intends to present the position of the Russian press towards the Polish issue in the area indicated above.<strong><br /></strong></p> <p><br /><br /></p> Klaudia Łonak-Grzybczak Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 217 225 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.15 Zagrożenia cywilizacyjne powiązane z kryzysem migracyjnym na granicy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6161 <p><strong>CIVILIZATION THREATS RELATED TO THE MIGRATION CRISIS ON THE BORDER OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND</strong></p> <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of civilization threats resulting from the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. It discusses the types of civilization threats occurring in this context. The basic principles of operation of asymmetric threats resulting from the current situation on the border of the Republic of Poland were presented. Individual threats were presented and compared with the possible effects of an inadequately resolved migration crisis. The legal appropriateness of actions in the context of the migration crisis was assessed by analyzing specific legal acts. The disadvantages of the current procedure were presented and the possibilities of introducing specific actions were considered in order to solve the current situation at the border of the Republic of Poland in the most favorable way possible.</p> Patryk Chmielarz Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 227 237 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.16 Erystyka poprawności politycznej https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6162 <p><strong>ERISTICS OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: BETWEEN PRAISEWORTHY AND HATEFUL CATEGORIES OF CONCEPTS</strong></p> <p>The article explores the concept of political correctness in public discourse in Poland, focusing on its usage in Polish parliamentary debates. For this purpose, selected debates from the 9th term of the Polish Sejm (2019-2023) were used for examination of how the term “political correctness” is invoked in parliamentary speeches. The analysis seeks to determine whether political correctness functions as an eristic mechanism, employed in argumentative tactics to manipulate or discredit opposing viewpoints. The study highlights the dual nature of political correctness as both a praiseworthy and a pejorative concept in the context of political rhetoric.</p> Tomasz Rawski Agnieszka Kwiatkowska Hubert Plisiecki Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.17 Wyniki ankiety na temat bezpieczeństwa w sieci https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/6163 <p><strong>RESULTS OF A SURVEY ON ONLINE SAFETY</strong></p> <p>The aim of this article is to present the voice of the young generation regarding online safety. To this end, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the students of the S. Staszic Secondary School No. 1 in Chrzanów. The young people were confronted with questions about online threats, Internet addiction, online hate, and the sense of online safety among the youth and older people. The students also participated in a discussion on virtual safety during which they expressed their thoughts, views and observations with reference to the results of the survey. The author of the article presents the results of the survey along with the students’ utterances. Young people are aware of the dangers of the virtual world, and they emphasize the need to educate the society in this area with more effective tools.</p> Barbara Janda Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 21 4(91) 259 266 10.12797/Politeja.21.2024.91.18