Ideological Identifying as a Determiner of the Polish People Political Collective Identity


  • Tomasz Godlewski University of Warsaw



ideological identifications, left-wing, right-wing, political awareness, political collective identity


The aim of the article is to examine whether and to what extent a socio-political division into left- and right-wing is a factor that significantly influences the formation of the Polish political collective identity. The author of the article attempted to present the leftist and rightist identities in relation to defining characteristics of collective identity. Then, a theoretical model was empirically verified based on the findings of the author’s own research conducted in 2019.


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Author Biography

Tomasz Godlewski, University of Warsaw

Sociologist, graduate of the Institute of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw (2001) and postgraduate studies ‘Marketing research – the consumers’ attitude and behaviour’ (2004); a doctor of humanities in the field of political science (2007). A Member of the Polish Society of Market and Opinion Researchers. An assistant professor at the Department of Sociology of Politics and Political Marketing at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw. In his scientific work he deals with, among others, issues of political awareness, identification of factors determining the process of shaping public opinion in Poland, and social perception of election campaigns.


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How to Cite

Godlewski, Tomasz. 2020. “Ideological Identifying As a Determiner of the Polish People Political Collective Identity”. Politeja 17 (5(68):279-98.

