Edward Dembowski – życie i twórczość „czerwonego kasztelanica”


  • Artur Jezioro




Edward Dembowski, “the red castellan’s son”, the Kraków Uprising, the Galician Slaughter, the Peasant Uprising of 1846, the Free City of Kraków, the Republic of Kraków, socialism, hegelianism


Edward Dembowski – life and work of “the red castellan’s‑ son”

Edward Dembowski is one of the most controversial figures of Polish history in the nineteenth century. Outstanding conspirator, totally dedicated to the democratic and revolutionary ideals, tirelessly tried to trigger off another national uprising, combined with the social revolution. He was primarily a man of action, but also left a number of writings, showing his achievements in the field of philosophy, literature and journalism. Dembowski’s figure is surrounded by legend, also because of his tragic death at a young age. But in fact, the “red castellan” is surrounded by two legends – the black one and the white one. According to the first of them, the character of the following article was an insane communist and revolutionary, guilty of bloodshed in the name of utopian ideals. The second legend, positive, presents his person as the heroic envoy, one of the national heroes of the nineteenth‑century, totally dedicated to the national and social causes, finally dying in the name of these ideals. Which of the two legends is closer to the truth? I hope that this article, which aims to provide an overview of the most important facts about the life of Edward Dembowski and to present his political, social and philosophical views, will help readers find the answer to this question. The first part of the paper primarily describes the life and activity of Edward Dembowski, while the second one focuses on his philosophical views.


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Author Biography

Artur Jezioro

Doktor nauk humanistycznych w dziedzinie nauk o polityce, absolwent studiów doktoranckich w Instytucie Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych UJ. W 2012 r. obronił pracę doktorską pt. Polityczny i ustrojowy wymiar funkcjonowania Rzeczypospolitej Krakowskiej. Zajmuje się również tematyką niemcoznawczą. Autor pracy magisterskiej na temat przemian politycznych, gospodarczych i społecznych w Niemczech Wschodnich w latach 1989‑2007. Publikował m.in. w „Politei”, „Zeszytach Naukowych Koła Nauk Politycznych UJ”, „Kulturze i Polityce” – zeszytach naukowych WSE im ks. Józefa Tischnera.


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How to Cite

Jezioro, Artur. 2013. “Edward Dembowski – życie I twórczość „czerwonego kasztelanica””. Politeja 10 (1 (23):375-94. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.10.2013.23.17.


