East African Communities (1967-1978, 1999-) and their Activity for Political Stability of the Region


  • Joanna Bar Pedagogical University of Krakow




East African Community, East Africa, Republic of South Sudan, sub-regional organisation, security, political integration


The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation founded on 30 November 1999, including such member states as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The EAC was meant as the reactivation and expansion of an earlier organisation founded in 1967 by Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Unlike its predecessor (which collapsed in 1978), not only has the contemporary Community been operating stably for almost 20 years, but it has also proved to be successful in improving the economic growth of its member states. Simultaneously, it supports the internal and national security of individual member states and the stability of the entire region. In recent years, the stabilisation capabilities of the Community have been tested through the accession of South Sudan, a country driven by a domestic conflict. Republic of South Sudan contributes not only rich crude oil deposits and water resources, but also a heavy burden of political issues in the form of both domestic conflicts and unresolved international problems such as a border conflict with the Republic of (north) Sudan. Successful economic cooperation may, however, reduce poverty and boost the development of South Sudan, both with regard to its economy and within the social and political aspects. This, in turn, may translate into good governance and the formation of a civil society.


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Author Biography

Joanna Bar, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Political scientist, historian and ethnologist; associate professor at the Institute of Political Science of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, Chair of Political Systems. Her research field centers around the social and political change in east African countries, with a particular focus on contemporaries social and political changes in Rwanda and Tanzania. She has conducted fieldwork in several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.


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How to Cite

Joanna Bar. 2018. “East African Communities (1967-1978, 1999-) and Their Activity for Political Stability of the Region”. Politeja 15 (5(56):247-66. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.15.2018.56.14.