Tożsamość vs uniformizacja (współczesna literatura rosyjska – studium dwóch przypadków)


  • Katarzyna Duda Jagiellonian University



identity, culture, tradition, human relationships, religion, nature



The aim of the following article is to consider expressions such as “identity” and “uniformization” which are often used in Russian philosophy as well as in contemporary Russian fiction. Two well-known novels translated into Polish language: “Medea and her Children” by Ludmyla Ulitzkha and “Duchless. A Story about Unreal Man” by Sergiey Minayev were chosen as examples. The first of them takesplace in the 1970’s, whereas the second one is set in the present day. In both cases identity is considered in the context of human relationships and the attitude to other people and at the same time to culture and tradition. Identity is usually based on certain determinants. These are: faith in God, the respect for different confessions, proximity to the nature, care for preservation of heritage including memory about the past and native language. Medea follows this hierarchy of values in her life. The identity of an anonymous hero of Minayev’s book was destroyed by globalizing processes, uniformization, boredom and by addiction to the Internet.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Duda, Jagiellonian University

PhD researcher at Monash University (Australia), who holds titles of Master of Laws and Master of International Relations with First Class Honours at the Jagiellonian University (Poland). The author has published three books, and nine scientific articles in renowned journals, and is an active participant in over 40 national and international academic conferences. The author is the recipient of the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund and has extensive international academic experience at Harvard University (USA), University of Washington (USA), Cambridge University (UK), University of Melbourne (Australia), and Antwerp University (Belgium). The author has been awarded the National ‘Student Nobel Prize’, made the Minister’s List for three consecutive years and Dean’s List for four consecutive years. The author is also a lawyer, English tutor and qualified mediator, whose expertise includes international economic law, digital law, European Union law, and alternative dispute resolutions (specifically mediation and international investment arbitration).


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How to Cite

Duda, Katarzyna. 2022. “Tożsamość Vs Uniformizacja (współczesna Literatura Rosyjska – Studium dwóch przypadków)”. Politeja 19 (3(78):5-16.



Culture and media