Między biologią a kulturą. Atrakcyjność fizyczna w badaniach międzykulturowych





beauty canon, evolutionism, culture, nature


Between biology and culture. Physical attractiveness in intercultural studies

The aim of the paper is to review the most important positions on the biological, evolutionary approach to culture, and on this background, to present selected notions for physical attractiveness identified with beauty and prettiness. Proponents of these concepts mostly argue with the researchers of culture, undermining relativism and pointing out that the diversity of human groups and the canons of beauty are only a less important veil under which the universal patterns of aesthetic choices are hidden. These views have not found reflection in the mainstream of humanistic research yet, but the possible implementation of postulates to create non-anthropocentric humanities makes the main findings of evolution supporters relevant for researchers of culture.


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How to Cite

Hołda, R. (2019). Między biologią a kulturą. Atrakcyjność fizyczna w badaniach międzykulturowych. Intercultural Relations, 3(1(5), 187–207. https://doi.org/10.12797/RM.01.2019.05.08