A Remedy for Perfectionism of Modern Western Culture or the Latest Design Trend?

The Western Understanding of Japanese Wabi and Sabi Aesthetics


  • Katarzyna Łaziuk Jagiellonian University in Kraków




wabi-sabi, wabi, sabi, hygge, design


In an age of globalization phenomena, ideas or traditions considered typical for one culture may appear in another, or even in an entire cultural environment. Of course, as they adapt to the recipient culture, they will be different from what they were originally. In this essay, the author analyzes the phenomenon of the popularity of the Japanese philosophy known as wabi-sabi in Western culture, while, at the same time, contrasting the original Japanese understanding of this term with its western “translation.” The author also tries to answer the question of why wabi-sabi has been understood in this particular way — essentially as a design trend — and what are the causes and effects of such an understanding.


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How to Cite

Łaziuk, K. (2020). A Remedy for Perfectionism of Modern Western Culture or the Latest Design Trend? The Western Understanding of Japanese Wabi and Sabi Aesthetics. Intercultural Relations, 4(2(8), 97–106. https://doi.org/10.12797/RM.02.2020.08.06