Historyczne2024-01-12T09:16:30+01:00Department of Scientific Journals, Ksiegarnia Akademicka Publishingjournals@akademicka.plOpen Journal Systems<p>Studia Historyczne is a historical journal published four times a year. In 1958 a group of Kraków historians within the Polish Historical Society decided to publish a local scientific historical periodical. Thus a quarterly Małopolskie Studia Historyczne was called to life, which soon became a vivid platform of historical discussion, exchange of ideas and place of presentation of scholarly achievements mostly for historians from the Kraków, Rzeszów and Kielce regions.</p> Matter2024-01-11T14:57:34+01:002024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2020 O. Lunde, Dynastia wojowników. Wojny Szwecji 1611-17212024-01-11T15:33:37+01:00Anna I.<p>No abstract is avaliable for this article.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Coward, Peter Gaunt, Stuartowie. Anglia 1603-1714, przeł. Magdalena Loska 2024-01-12T07:54:57+01:00Agnieszka Hajduś<p>No abstract is avaliable for this article.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2020 Litwin, Chwała Północy. Rzeczpospolita w polityce Stolicy Apostolskiej (1598-1648) 2024-01-12T07:57:50+01:00Maciej<p>No abstract is avaliable for this article.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sherer, The Scramble for Italy. Continuity and Change in the Italian Wars 1494-15592024-01-12T07:59:40+01:00Paweł Kozł<p>No abstract is avaliable for this article.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 sprawy Jana Andrzeja Morsztyna w 1683 roku2024-01-12T09:16:30+01:00Grzegorz Kietliń<p><strong>THE EPILOGUE OF JAN ANDRZEJ MORSZTYN’S CASE IN 1683<br></strong><br>This article is devoted to the epilogue of diplomatic endeavours of Jan Andrzej Morsztyn in 1683. In that year, the Polish-Lithuanian monarch, Jan III. Sobieski, preparing military campaign to save Vienna from Turks, aimed to change state foreign policy. This change was to involve breaking relations with France and establishing an alliance with Austria. In the king’s opinion, there was a serious opponent to this change – a long-time leaver of the French faction and the Great Crown Treasurer (podskarbi) Jan Andrzej Morsztyn. The monarch decided to eliminate the faction through a plot aimed at bringing Morsztyn to the parliamentary court. In response to the attempts of the king, Morsztyn intensified his political activity, in particular, international contacts in the years 1681-1683. This activity delayed the monarch’s accusation, yet in 1683 Morsztyn was accused of mismanagement of finances and betrayal of the country seeking to dethronize Jan Sobieski. In effect, he was forced to leave Poland and spent the last 10 years of his life in France.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2020 fałszywym sztandarem „naszej cywilizacji” w obronie Zachodu2024-01-12T09:16:26+01:00Jerzy<p><strong>UNDER THE FALSE BANNER OF “OUR CIVILIZATION” IN DEFENSE OF THE WEST: SUCCESSFUL MYSTIFICATION OF ADOLF HITLER, FALSE HOPES OF PIŁSUDSKI’S SUPPORTERS (1933-1935)<br /><br /></strong>For Adolf Hitler, the most important goal was to build the power of the Third Reich and expand the armed forces necessary to implement his plans to fight communism, solve the Jewish question and gain living space in the East. The peace on the eastern border sought by Hitler could be the basis for an agreement with Józef Piłsudski, who sought to normalize relations with his western neighbor due to the danger from Soviet Russia. For Poland, aspiring to the role of defender of Western civilization and a bulwark against Russia and Eastern influences, it was necessary to stick to the values of the West, even though the Second Polish Republic, heading towards authoritarianism, deteriorated its relations with Western countries. After gaining power, Adolf Hitler began building a totalitarian state, consistently destroying the achievements of Western civilization in Germany. Aware of Poland’s desire to play the role of a bastion of Western civilization in the East, he used camouflage, falsely presenting himself as its defender, and called for a joint defense of the West against communism and Asian civilization. Hitler’s maneuver was facilitated by the fact that J. Beck and other Piłsudski supporters, unlike Piłsudski, used interests rather than values in international politics. Poland lost in the confrontation with Hitler because, contrary to its efforts and hopes for a policy of neutrality towards totalitarian states with an openly anti-Western and anti-civilization face, it did not gain the loyalty of its allies or the gratitude of its enemies.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 the Fourth Katyń Cemetery at Bykownia2024-01-12T09:16:24+01:00Stefan<p>No abstract is avaliable for this article.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 aktualnych uwag o totalitaryzmie na kanwie rozważań Jasona Stanleya2024-01-11T15:28:25+01:00Jacek Chrobaczyń<p>No abstract is avaliable from this article.</p>2024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Matter2024-01-12T08:01:47+01:002024-01-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2020