Against the Current

A Remarkable Literary Discourse on Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe in Terms of Self and Other


  • Emma Klever



European Union, Western Europe, discourse


The political reality of the European Union is not reflected in the general discourse on the relationship between Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe, which is characterized by an adverse attitude towards the latter. This impacts identity construction on the European level, where Central and Eastern Europe has long been regarded as the “Other” against which the European “self ” was defined. However, a new discourse on this relationship has emerged in literary works written by scholars and journalists that are able to take an overarching perspective. The present study analyses four publications to see how the relationship between Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe is portrayed in terms of the self and the Other, employing the Discourse Historical Approach and a spectrum of the self and the Other perspectives. It emerges that the discussed authors share a discourse which respects differences, focuses on similarities as well as differences and shows an awareness of the interwovenness of the narratives of the self and the Other. This new, shared discourse holds directions for the further development of a European-wide discourse that includes the same notions of respect and the interwovenness of narratives, and which could in turn influence European identity construction.

Author Biography

Emma Klever

Graduated cum laude from the Erasmus Mundus Programme of Excellence Euroculture in 2014 with a double degree from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands) and Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Poland). Previously, she studied International Relations and International Organization in Groningen. She currently works as Head of Policy at the European Movement International in Brussels, Belgium.


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How to Cite

Klever, Emma. 2021. “Against the Current: A Remarkable Literary Discourse on Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe in Terms of Self and Other”. Poliarchia 3 (5):93-131.



Historia i historiografia