East Central Europe in the Context of the Varieties of Capitalism Approach


  • Julita Dudziak




Varieties of Capitalism (VoC), Liberal Market Economy (LME), Coordinated Market Economy (CML), Dependent Market Economy (DME), East Central Europe


The article presents the Varieties of Capitalism theory proposed by Peter A. Hall and David Soskice in 2001 and its applicability in the context of East Central Europe’s economies. Apart from the concepts of Liberal and Coordinated Market Economies created by Hall and Soskice, the article introduces the development of the theory made by scientists such as Bruno Amable or Andreas Nölke and Arjan Vliegenthart, focusing on the Post‑Communist countries. Also, it refers to Dorothee Bohle and Béla Greskovits’ critique of the theory in an attempt to outline the constant evolution of this relatively fresh idea.

Author Biography

Julita Dudziak

Studentka stosunków międzynarodowych (I rok studiów II stopnia) i kulturoznawstwa (III rok, specjalizacja: studia dalekowschodnie) na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Od 2009 r. jest członkiem Ośrodka Praw Człowieka UJ, a od 2011 r. Koła Studentów Stosunków Międzynarodowych UJ oraz Dalekowschodniego Koła Naukowego UJ. Odbyła staż w Wydziale Konsularnym Ambasady RP w Berlinie. Stypendystka programu Sokrates/Erasmus i międzynarodowej wymiany „EU‑Australia Border Crossing: People And Places”.


I. Books:

Auxiliary literature:

– monographs:

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Lucian C., Europeanization, Varieties of Capitalism, and Economic Performance in Central and Eastern Europe, New York 2006.

Wilkin J., Jaki kapitalizm, jaka Polska?, Warszawa 1995.

– chapters in collective works:

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– articles in scientific journals:

Adam F., Kristan P., Tomšič M., “Varieties of capitalism in Eastern Europe (with special emphasis on Estonia and Slovenia)”, Communist and Post‑Communist Studies, vol. 42, issue 1 (2009), [online] http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.postcomstud.2009.02.005. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postcomstud.2009.02.005

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How to Cite

Dudziak, Julita. 2021. “East Central Europe in the Context of the Varieties of Capitalism Approach”. Poliarchia 2 (2):63-80. https://doi.org/10.12797/Poliarchia.02.2014.02.04.


