Idealizm czy realizm? Polityka Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki wobec państw objętych przemianami Arabskiej Wiosny


  • Piotr Kozłowski Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Arab Spring, idealism, Barack Obama, realism, USA


Idealism or realism? U.S. Policy Towards Countries Affected by the Arab Spring
A dispute between idealism and realism in International Relations theory is both widely known and still unresolved. Although one can find more arguments in favour of the latter perspective, once in a while the proponents of idealism – backed with solid evidence from international politics – raise justified objections. This phenomenon applies especially to the American foreign policy which provides many examples of the continuous rivalry between both paradigms. The article refers to that discourse and conducts an analysis of the U.S. policy towards the Arab Spring, where noble (and idealistic) values clashed with hard (and realist) interests. While addressing the question – idealism or realism? – the paper offers a slightly different approach to the subject. It distinguishes the “instrumental idealism” (which in fact is a disguised realism) and the “pure idealism” (which truly pursues its goals). Six countries, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria, serve as case studies for the analysis. The article argues that the U.S. conducted a heterogeneous policy towards the Arab Spring, employing three approaches – realism in Yemen and Bahrain, idealism in Libya, and the combination of both in Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.

Author Biography

Piotr Kozłowski, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Doktorant  na  Wydziale  Dziennikarstwa  i  Nauk  Politycznych   Uniwersytetu  Warszawskiego  w  zakresie  nauk  o  polityce.  Absolwent  WDiNP  UW   na  kierunkach  politologia  (2006–2011,  w  tym  rok  akademicki  w  Trinity  College   w  Dublinie)  oraz  stosunki  międzynarodowe  (2011–2013).  Jego  zainteresowania  badawcze to polityka zagraniczna USA, system polityczny USA i demokratyzacja.


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How to Cite

Kozłowski, Piotr. 2016. “Idealizm Czy Realizm? Polityka Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Wobec państw objętych Przemianami Arabskiej Wiosny”. Poliarchia 4 (7):7-31.


