Elisa Ganser, Theatre and Its Other: Abhinavagupta on Dance and Dramatic Acting. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 2021. Gonda Indological Studies 23.XII, pp. 412. ISBN9789004449817 (hardback).—Reviewed by Halina Marlewicz


  • Halina Marlewicz



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How to Cite

Marlewicz, Halina. 2023. “Elisa Ganser, Theatre and Its Other: Abhinavagupta on Dance and Dramatic Acting. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 2021. Gonda Indological Studies 23.XII, Pp. 412. ISBN9789004449817 (hardback).—Reviewed by Halina Marlewicz”. Cracow Indological Studies 25 (2):235-42. https://doi.org/10.12797/CIS.25.2023.02.08.