Henk Bodewitz, Vedic Cosmology and Ethics: Selected Studies (Gonda Indological Studies, Vol. 19). Ed. Henk Bodewitz, Dory H. Heilijgers, Jan E. M. Houben and Karel van Kooij. pp. 480. Boston: Brill 2019.—Reviewed by Mattia Capotosto and Alessia Manca (University of Cagliari, Italy)


  • Mattia Capotosto
  • Alessia Manca




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How to Cite

Capotosto, Mattia, and Alessia Manca. 2024. “Henk Bodewitz, Vedic Cosmology and Ethics: Selected Studies (Gonda Indological Studies, Vol. 19). Ed. Henk Bodewitz, Dory H. Heilijgers, Jan E. M. Houben and Karel Van Kooij. Pp. 480. Boston: Brill 2019.—Reviewed by Mattia Capotosto and Alessia Manca (University of Cagliari, Italy)”. Cracow Indological Studies 26 (1):207-11. https://doi.org/10.12797/CIS.26.2024.01.10.