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Author Guidelines

Articles should be sent in the Word format as an e-mail attachment to

The structure of the text

The texts that are submitted should represent the following model:

  1. First name and last name
  2. Affiliation: the original name of the institution of higher education (not of the department, institute or chair), the name of the city (if it is not a part of the name of the institution) written under the last name, not in parentheses
  3. The title of the text
  4. A summary in the language in which the article was written
  5. Keywords in the language in which the article was written
  6. The content of the article
  7. Bibliography

If the article was written by more than one author:

  1. if the affiliation of the authors is the same, we put two names followed by affiliation
  2. if the affiliation of the authors is the same, we put affiliation X under the last name X, and then we put the name Y and affiliation Y



In the Classica Cracoviensia periodical we use Harvard endnotes in reference to scholarly research words, according to the following model:

Kowalski 2016: 23–24

If multiple items by a given author written in the same year are adduced, we distinguish these items by applying lowercase characters:

Kowalski 2016a: 23–24
Kowalski 2016b: 12–13

Joint publications edited by a scholar – if the whole work is referred to – are mentioned in the same way as in the case of a single author.

References to ancient texts are written in parentheses in the body of the text by means of abbreviations derived from the names of authors and titles:

Hor. Carm. IV 15, 6 Verg. Georg. II 1-20 Thuc. VI 100, 2



We adhere to the following model in the bibliography:

  1. a book

Swoboda M., 1976, Sextus Propertius. Szkice krytycznoliterackie, Poznań.

       2. a translated book

Burkert W., 2007, Starożytne kulty misteryjne, transl. K. Bielawski, Kraków.

       3. a joint publication

Harrison S. J., 2007, The Cambridge Companion to Horace, S. J. Harrison (ed.), Cambridge.

      4. an article in a joint publication

Silvas A. M., 2006, ’Kassia the Nun c. 810‑c. 865: an Appreciation’, [in:] Byzantine women: varieties of experience AD 8001200, L. Garland (ed.), London, pp. 17–39.

      5. an article in a periodical

Swain S., 1990, ‘Hellenic culture and Roman heroes of Plutarch’, Journal of Hellenic Studies 110, pp. 126-145.

We use Arabic numerals to refer to annual runs of periodicals without abbreviations such as “Vol.” or “R.”.

The following examples represent variants applied in reference to the English language – the language of the majority of the texts published in Classica Cracoviensia. If the article in the periodical is written in a different language, consistent spelling in reference to the language of the article should be used. Therefore, if the text is written in French, then we write trad. instead of transl., and instead of ed. we write éd. etc.

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