The Court of Cyrus the Younger in Anatolia: Some Remarks




Cyrus the Younger, court, court’s staff and protocol


Cyrus the Younger (born in 424/423 BC, died in 401 BC), son of the Great King Darius II (424/423-404 BC) and Queen Parysatis, is well known from his activity in Anatolia. In 408 BC he took power there as a karanos (Old Persian *kārana-, Greek κάρανος), a governor of high rank with extensive military and political competence reporting directly to the Great King. Holding his power in Anatolia, Cyrus had his own court there, in many respects modeled after the Great King’s court. The aim of this article is to show some aspects of functioning and organization of Cyrus the Younger’s court in Anatolia.

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How to Cite

Michał Podrazik. 2019. “The Court of Cyrus the Younger in Anatolia: Some Remarks”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 23 (December):95-111.


