Rhetoric, Wit and Humour in Catullus 44





Catullus, parody, pastiche, rhetoric, Roman comedy, frigus


Rhetoric, Wit and Humour in Catullus 44

The paper analyses Catullus’s c. 44, a witty and ironic poem on the frigidity of the rhetorical style of a certain Sestius’. The aim of the analysis is to point at the relationship between c. 44 and other Catullan poems concerning the themes of friendship/companionship and literature. Comic elements, especially in the presentation of Catullus’ parasitus-like behaviour, will also be taken into account.

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How to Cite

Klęczar, A. “Rhetoric, Wit and Humour in Catullus 44”. Classica Cracoviensia, vol. 18, Sept. 2015, pp. 199-08, doi:10.12797/CC.18.2015.18.11.


