Entre rêverie et authenticité – une immersion dans l’Égypte Ancienne avec le peintre Stefan Bakałowicz


  • Valentin Boyer Centre interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'Allemagne, Paris




Egyptomania, Bakalowicz, Ancient Egypt, Orientalism, Academism, Painting, Polish Artist, Egyptian Revival, Art History, Reception of Ancient Egypt, Archaeology


Entre rêverie et authenticité – une immersion dans l’Égypte Ancienne avec le peintre Stefan Bakałowicz

This article consists of a study of two Egyptian paintings of the Russian-Polish painter Stefan Bakalowicz (1857-1947). The study seeks to establish the degree of authenticity and credibility of the represented patterns by finding the sources of archaeological inspiration — both in European Egyptian collections and in the Egyptological works used by artists in the 19th century — which inspired (or could potentially inspire) Bakalowicz to carry out the staging and reconstruction of ancient Egypt. Furthermore, the study focuses on Bakalowicz’s artistic approach and bias as a representative of the late Academicism at the turn of the 20th century. This research is based on the study of the arrangement, choice, and evocative scope of particular patterns as well as the role of fantasy in the service of a theatrical staging of the past Egypt. It also aims to discern elements relating to Egyptomania, Orientalism or even pure academism.

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How to Cite

Boyer, Valentin. 2020. “Entre Rêverie Et Authenticité – Une Immersion Dans l’Égypte Ancienne Avec Le Peintre Stefan Bakałowicz”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 24 (December):277-92. https://doi.org/10.12797/SAAC.24.2020.24.13.



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