The Rattles from Tell El-Farcha

Acoustic Research with the Use of Numerical Sound Reconstruction




ancient Egyptian rattles, archaeological clay rattles, music in ancient Egypt, ancient Egyptian instruments, acoustics, acoustic analysis, numerical sound reconstruction


Vessel rattles were one of the first sound-producing tools made from clay. Throughout history, they were developed in many ancient cultures, convergently in many places around the world. To obtain a complete picture of the sounds produced by clay rattles, the short-time Fourier transform analysis is used. On top of that, to determine the full spectrum of their acoustical possibilities, numerical reconstruction of sound is done. The results provide us an opportunity to explore the soundscape of the past.

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How to Cite

Tatoń, Katarzyna, and Ireneusz Czajka. 2021. “The Rattles from Tell El-Farcha: Acoustic Research With the Use of Numerical Sound Reconstruction”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 25 (December):7-22.




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