Construction of Ancient Houses in Marina El-Alamein. Analysis of the Demand for Building Stone


  • Szymon Popławski Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, c/o Faculty of Architecture image/svg+xml



Graeco-Roman Egypt, Marina el-Alamein, construction techniques, residential architecture, quarry


Although structures within the ancient settlement in Marina el-Alamein were built almost exclusively of local limestone, no remains of ancient quarries have been found. The author calculates the cubature of stone used in the construction of the houses, based on the knowledge of the applied building solutions. The resulting data make it possible to address the question of the city managing the works without its own quarry, sourcing limestone from subterranean structures alone.

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How to Cite

Popławski, Szymon. 2022. “Construction of Ancient Houses in Marina El-Alamein. Analysis of the Demand for Building Stone”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 26 (December):73-90.


