Early Modern Grand Tourer in Poland-Lithuania

Fiction or Real Possibility?


  • Jakub Basista Jagiellonian University, Kraków




grand tour, travel literature, early modern Poland -Lithuania


In the last fifty or so years, Grand Tour has become a very popular and extensively researched phenomenon. Although mainstream researchers have analyzed various aspects of the Grand Tour, they have tended to adopt a narrow definition limited to the experiences of young English gentlemen undertaking a study tour of Italy and France. This article poses a somewhat provocative question: was the Grand Tour feasible as a study tour of an English gentleman visiting Poland- Lithuania? Based on contemporary travel writing, the author reveals the challenges and the difficult logistics of such an undertaking.


Author Biography

Jakub Basista, Jagiellonian University, Kraków

Professor of history at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Specializes in early modern English, Polish and world histories. He is the author of two books and over one hundred publications. Fellow of Royal Historical Society. Member of: Renaissance Society of America, Society for Reformation Studies and International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in History. Editor of Studia Historyczne.


Original prints:

A New Account of Poland and Lithuania Describing their Governments, Palatines, Provinces, Religion, Language, Habits, Festivals, Marriages, Funerals, Climate, Rivers, Salt Mines and other Rarities. Their Forces, Coins, Revenues, General and Particular Diets, Priviledges of their Nobility, Interregnum, and Ceremonies in the Election of their New King (London, 1702).

Coxe Willam, Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. Interspersed with historical relations and political inquiries (London, 1784).

Hauteville [Gaspar de Tende] Le Sieur de, An Account of Poland Containing a Geographical Description of the Country, the Manners of Inhabitants, and the Wars they have been Engag’d in; the Constitution of that Government; Particularly the Manner of Electing and Crowning their King; his Power and Prerogative: With a Briefe History of the Tartars (London, 1698).

Lassels Richard, The Voyage of Italy, or a Compleat Journey Through Italy in Two Parts (Paris, 1670).

Marshall Joseph, Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, Russia, The Ukraine, and Poland in the Years 1768, 1769, and 1770. In which is particularly Minuted, The Present State of Those Countries, respecting their Agriculture, Population, Manufactures, Commerce, The Arts, and Useful Undertakings (London, 1772), vol. 3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.22872

O’Connor Bernard, The History of Poland (London, 1698).

Later prints and translations:

Fagiuoli Giovan Battista, Diariusz podróży do Polski (1690‑1691) (Warszawa: Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie, 2017).

Gordon Patrick, The Diary of Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries, ed. Dmitri Fedosov (Aberdeen: The AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, 2009), vol. 1.

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Wolf Heinrich, Peregrinationes sive peregrinatium Heinrichi Wolphii tigurini brevis et compendiaria descriptio (Warszawa: Zamek Królewski w Warszawie, 1996).

Secondary literature

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How to Cite

Basista, J. . (2021). Early Modern Grand Tourer in Poland-Lithuania: Fiction or Real Possibility?. Studia Historyczne, 61(4 (244), 5–16. https://doi.org/10.12797/SH.61.2018.04.01


