Emocje a interpersonalna komunikacja międzykulturowa





emotions, cross-cultural communication, intercultural competences



Understanding one’s own emotional states as well as the emotional states present in the partner of an intercultural interaction seems to be something essential for the success of the encounter. However, emotions remain ephemeral, eluding rational discernment and control, as well as there is a lack of scientific agreement about their nature. Emotional competence, including the regulation of emotions during intercultural interaction, seems especially important from the point of view of reducing negative consequences of such interactions. It’s also a basis for the adaptation process, but also an element of a person’s psychological development.


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How to Cite

Żaliński, A. (2022). Emocje a interpersonalna komunikacja międzykulturowa. Intercultural Relations, 6(1(11), 23–40. https://doi.org/10.12797/RM.01.2022.11.02