The Intricacies of the Postmodern Convention – Thomas Ruggles Pynchon in Polish Translation




postmodernism, literary translation, American literature


The article presents the prominent figure of the contemporary American writer, Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, a leading representative of the postmodern literary convention. The study contains a brief introduction of his works, with a special focus on the canonical novel for the postmodern convention i.e. Gravity’s Rainbow. The study will also apply McHale’s concept of ‘ontological dominant,’ which aptly describes the shift from epistemological issues to existential ones occurring from modernist to postmodernist literature. Subsequently, the article discusses the main aspects of Pynchon’s literary works and e.g. the presumed mode of reading i.e. ‘creative paranoia,’ encyclopaedicity and the interpretatively inconclusive binarities. Then, two fragments from Gravity’s Rainbow in Polish translation are analyzed in terms of the preservation of the source text sense productive potential according to Venuti’s theory of ‘foreignization.’ Finally, the study offers conclusions related to the reasons as to why there seem to be considerable deficiencies in the Polish rendition of Pynchon’s novels, attributing this fact to the lack of an equivalent literary convention in the Polish literary environment.

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Author Biography

Łukasz Barciński, Rzeszów University, Poland

Obtained a PhD in linguistics (literary translation) at the University of Rzeszów in 2015. Assistant professor at the Section of the Theory of Translation, Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów. A translator of specialist and literary texts (e.g. the Polish translation of Wściekły by Rick Reed). Scope of research: text typology from the functionalist perspective; postmodern, postcolonial and experimental literature; poststructuralism and contemporary translatology. Selected publications: A Study of Postmodern Literature in Translation as Illustrated Through the Selected Works of Thomas Pynchon (2016).


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How to Cite

Barciński, Łukasz. “The Intricacies of the Postmodern Convention – Thomas Ruggles Pynchon in Polish Translation”. Ad Americam, vol. 18, Jan. 2018, pp. 5-15, doi:10.12797/AdAmericam.18.2017.18.01.


