Martin Luther King Jr.’s Theological Evolution and the Impact of the (Black) Social Gospel on His Political Views




Black Church, Martin Luther King Jr., social gospel, Black social gospel, religion and politics, King scholarship, academic debate


The aim of this article is to analyze Martin Luther King Jr.’s theological evolution and to present theological ideas that influenced his political views, paying special attention to the (Black) social gospel. The article also provides an overview of the academic debate among King scholars who differ in opinions on the importance of various elements of his theological outlook and their influence on his activism. Referring to Gary Dorrien’s definition and analysis of the influence of the Black social gospel, a tradition of the Black Church that was often omitted in earlier analyses, I will discuss his contribution to this debate.

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Author Biography

Paulina Napierała, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Ph.D., is a political scientist, and Assistant Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University. Her research explores the intersection of religion and politics in the United States. Currently, she is focusing on the socio-political role of the Black Church. She was a grantee of the Kosciuszko Foundation (2015, 2022), the Advanced Research Collaborative CUNY (2022-2023), the Fulbright Commission (2007-2008), and the National Science Center Poland (NCN 2019), which allowed her to conduct research and consultations at Boston College, Harvard University, CUNY, and Valdosta State University. She has recently published an edited volume Religion and American Politics. Domestic and International Contexts (Peter Lang, 2024).


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How to Cite

Napierała, P. “Martin Luther King Jr.’s Theological Evolution and the Impact of the (Black) Social Gospel on His Political Views”. Ad Americam, vol. 25, Dec. 2024, pp. 65-98, doi:10.12797/AdAmericam.25.2024.25.05.



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