The Kosciuszko Foundation, Its Alumni and American Studies: The Purpose of the Special Volume




The Kosciuszko Foundation’s 100th anniversary, the Kosciuszko Foundation Alumni, KF Alumni’s conferences and seminars, American studies


The text explains the idea behind publishing a special issue of “Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies” dedicated to the Kosciuszko Foundation. It also discusses the role that the Foundation has played for Polish scholars, and focuses on its contribution to the continuous development of the field of American studies through the grants awarded to researchers specializing in American affairs. The text additionally discusses the initiatives undertaken by the Kosciuszko Foundation Alumni in order to promote the Foundation’s ideas, programs and knowledge acquired by its former grantees. The final section briefly presents the authors contributing to the volume and their research.

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Author Biography

Paulina Napierała, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Ph.D., is a political scientist, and Assistant Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University. Her research explores the intersection of religion and politics in the United States. Currently, she is focusing on the socio-political role of the Black Church. She was a grantee of the Kosciuszko Foundation (2015, 2022), the Advanced Research Collaborative CUNY (2022-2023), the Fulbright Commission (2007-2008), and the National Science Center Poland (NCN 2019), which allowed her to conduct research and consultations at Boston College, Harvard University, CUNY, and Valdosta State University. She has recently published an edited volume Religion and American Politics. Domestic and International Contexts (Peter Lang, 2024).


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How to Cite

Napierała, P. “The Kosciuszko Foundation, Its Alumni and American Studies: The Purpose of the Special Volume”. Ad Americam, vol. 25, Dec. 2024, pp. 7-14, doi:10.12797/AdAmericam.25.2024.25.01.



Focus on the Kosciuszko Foundation