Polish Pioneer Communities in the Pacific Northwest

A Forgotten Chapter of Polish Diaspora





US immigration, immigrant community building, ethnic agency, Pacific Northwest


The article explores four pioneer Polish American communities in Washington State: Pe Ell, Wilkeson, Aberdeen and Enumclaw. These small towns thrived on timber industry (Pe Ell, Aberdeen), coal mining (Wilkeson) and farming (Enumclaw). In each location, Poles established a lodge of the Polish National Alliance, and in three of these communities,they successfully opened a Polish Hall. In addition, they contributed to founding a Roman Catholic church in each town and successfully advocated for a Polish‑speaking pastorate. In Pe Ell, they also established and maintain the Holy Cross parish of the schismaticPolish National Catholic Church for many decades (1916‑1970). By presenting this information, the article aims to shed light on a lesser‑known aspect of Polish diaspora history in the United States.

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Author Biography

Dorota Praszałowicz, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Ph.D., sociologist, heads the Department of Migration and Ethnic Relations at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora at Jagiellonian University. She is a member of the (Polish collective) Researchers on the Border, and a member of the Council of the Polish American Historical Association. She belongs to the Committee of Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Migration Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She edits the series Migration – Ethnicity – Nation: Studies in Culture, Society and Politics (Peter Lang). She conducts research on American Polish communities and their transformation, the institutionalization of immigrant life, and past and present migrations in a comparative perspective. Her publications include the entry “Poland” in Encyclopedia of European Migrations and Minorities, ed. K. Bade, et.al., Cambridge University Press 2011: 258-272.


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How to Cite

Praszałowicz, D. “Polish Pioneer Communities in the Pacific Northwest: A Forgotten Chapter of Polish Diaspora”. Ad Americam, vol. 25, Dec. 2024, pp. 113-37, doi:10.12797/AdAmericam.25.2024.25.07.



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