The Counterfeit and Fake Emperor - Procopius in the Res Gestae of Ammanius Marcelinus




Procopius, Roman historiography, Ammianus Marcellinus


The Counterfeit and Fake Emperor - Procopius in the Res Gestae of Ammanius Marcelinus

The article discusses Procopius’ usurpation which took place in 365-366 AD. Ammianus in his Res gestae deals not only with the historical details of this event, but also focuses on its interesting literary aspects. On the basis of quotations and sources the author of this article analyses these literary images of the whole issue, which are an integral part of Ammianus’ historical narrative. This article was written with a view to showing the metaphorical and theatrical creations of the usurper against the background of the more important stages of his coup.

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How to Cite

Mleczek, A. “The Counterfeit and Fake Emperor - Procopius in the Res Gestae of Ammanius Marcelinus”. Classica Cracoviensia, vol. 18, Sept. 2015, pp. 255-91, doi:10.12797/CC.18.2015.18.16.


