The Rivalry of Procopius of Caesarea and Antonina the Patrician


  • David Alan Parnell Indiana University Northwest



Procopius, Antonina, Belisarius, Theodora, narrator, misogyny, invective


Procopius of Caesarea traveled with the household of the general Belisarius for many years. If his Secret History is any indication, the historian gained a rich acquaintance with Belisarius’s formidable wife, Antonina. It is possible that the negative treatment of Antonina in the Secret History reflects a rivalry between her and Procopius. This competition becomes most clear when examining the moments in which Procopius becomes a participant in his own narrative of the History of the Wars, and especially in the attempt to resupply Rome (under siege by the Goths) from Naples in 537 AD. Although the historian portrays this moment, when Belisarius entrusted him with fetching reinforcements and supplies for the beleaguered Roman army, as his time to shine, Procopius was upstaged by Antonina. If there was a competition for influence with Belisarius, it seems to have been one that Antonina won handily. It is worth therefore examining the outrageous critiques of Antonina in the Secret History through the lens of a disappointed or even revengeful Procopius.

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Lydus John, De Magistratibus, transl. A. Bandy (ed.), Philadelphia 1982.

Procopius of Caesarea, The Anecdota, H.B. Dewing (ed.), Cambridge 1914.

Procopius of Caesarea, History of the Wars, vol. 1: Books 1–2 (The Persian War), transl. H.B. Dewing (ed.), Cambridge 1914. DOI:

Procopius of Caesarea, History of the Wars, vol. 2: Books 3–4 (Vandalic War), transl. H.B. Dewing (ed.), Cambridge 1916.

Procopius of Caesarea, History of the Wars, vol. 3: Books 5–6.15 (Gothic War), transl. H.B. Dewing (ed.), Cambridge 1916.

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How to Cite

Parnell, D. A. “The Rivalry of Procopius of Caesarea and Antonina the Patrician”. Classica Cracoviensia, vol. 27, Dec. 2024, pp. 243-61, doi:10.12797/CC.27.2024.27.10.



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