Heraclitus' Sense of Logos in the Context of Greek Root 'Leg-' in Epic Poets





Heraclitus, Heidegger, logos, personalization, Greek


Heraclitus' Sense of Logos in the Context of Greek Root 'Leg-' in Epic Poets

The following paper aims to explore some Heraclitus’ fragments that could entail a personified conception of logos. The first part of the paper shows the analysis of the authentic sense of the Greek root ‘leg-’. In this part I followed philologists (among others Chantraine, Narecki) and philosopher Heidegger, who was a great adherent of understanding the original sources of Heraclitus’ philosophy. The closing part points to Heraclitus’ fragments in which the term “logos” is used.

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How to Cite

Wdowiak, M. “Heraclitus’ Sense of Logos in the Context of Greek Root ’Leg-’ in Epic Poets”. Classica Cracoviensia, vol. 18, Sept. 2015, pp. 459-73, doi:10.12797/CC.18.2015.18.26.


