Provisions for the Proconsul

Some Remarks on D. in the Kórnik Manuscript of Digestum Vetus




Digestum Vetus, Roman law, proconsul, xenia


The paper discusses Medieval interpretation of Roman legal prescription, concerning the acceptance of gifts and presents by state officials. The discussed text is the Kórnik manuscript of Digestum Vetus and the comments that it contains, both in form of text and illustrations, that pertain to the main issue debated.

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How to Cite

Jońca, M. “Provisions for the Proconsul: Some Remarks on D. in the Kórnik Manuscript of Digestum Vetus”. Classica Cracoviensia, vol. 15, May 2012, pp. 123-36, doi:10.12797/CC.15.2012.15.05.