Premchand’s Encounter with Tolstoy




Hindi literature, Russian literature, Premchand, Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, short stories, translation/transcreation


The present article deals with the issue of when and how the famous Hindi writer Premchand (1880–1936), following Gandhi’s attitude towards Tolstoy, expressed his deep admiration for him, namely in the critical review of Anna Karenina and in translating into Hindi the 21 short stories Tolstoy had written for his peasants in Yasnaya Polyana. In the latter case it is pointed out that it was an effort to re/ indianize those short stories, which Tolstoy himself said to be of Indian origin.

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How to Cite

Dolcini, Donatella. 2015. “Premchand’s Encounter With Tolstoy”. Cracow Indological Studies 17 (December):149-68.