Międzynarodowe role Unii Europejskiej w wypowiedziach Javiera Solany, Catherine Ashton i Federiki Mogherini podczas Monachijskich Konferencji Bezpieczeństwa w latach 2009‑2019


  • Aleksandra Kruk University of Zielona Góra




Munich Security Conference, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, global power


European Union’s International Role in Statements of Javier Solana, Catherine Ashton and Frederica Mogherini during the Munich Security Conferences in the Years 2009 until 2019

The aim of the article is an analysis of statements of the European union’s foreign affairs and security policy high representatives during the Munich Security Conference in years 2009 until 2019. The diplomats’ activities resulted from their roles as high representatives, which are programming, initiating action and representing the European Union outside. The Munich Security Conferences were a platform to present activities and stand points concerning contemporary challenges in the field of international security. The conferences contributed to the extension of contacts of the EU from Javier Solana’s, Catherine Ashton’s and Federica Mogherini’s points of view.


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Author Biography

Aleksandra Kruk, University of Zielona Góra

Doktor habilitowany nauk społecznych w zakresie nauk o polityce, zatrudniona w Instytucie Nauk Politycznych i Administracji Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, prowadzi badania niemcoznawcze i międzynarodowe.


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How to Cite

Kruk, Aleksandra. 2020. “Międzynarodowe Role Unii Europejskiej W Wypowiedziach Javiera Solany, Catherine Ashton I Federiki Mogherini Podczas Monachijskich Konferencji Bezpieczeństwa W Latach 2009‑2019”. Politeja 17 (3(66):133-44. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.17.2020.66.09.