Editorial Note

Between the wars: philosophical-political debates


  • Arkadiusz Górnisiewicz Jagiellonian University in Kraków


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Author Biography

Arkadiusz Górnisiewicz, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

PhD, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His research interests include history of political thought, political philosophy and the theories of modernity. His publications include two books (Nowoczesność, nihilizm, polityka. Wokół myśli Karla Löwitha; and Wojna i nomos. Carl Schmitt o problemie porządku światowego) and three co-edited volumes (Modernity and What Has Been Lost. Considerations on the Legacy of Leo Strauss; The Problem of Political Theology; and The Concept of Constitution in the History of Political Thought). He has published in various journals, including History of European Ideas and Ratio Juris.




How to Cite

Górnisiewicz, Arkadiusz. 2021. “Editorial Note: Between the Wars: Philosophical-Political Debates”. Politeja 18 (3(72):3. https://journals.akademicka.pl/politeja/article/view/3780.