Evidence from a Nabataean Inscription Regarding Water and Cult in Nabataea, with Some Remarks on the Nabataean Royal Family


  • Zeyad al-Salameen Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities, College of Arts and Humanities image/svg+xml
  • Karl Schmitt-Korte University of Tübingen, Independent scholar specialized in Nabataean studies image/svg+xml




Nabataean inscriptions, water and cult in Nabataea, the Nabataean royal family, cultic dedications, Nabataean queens and princesses, Aretas, Ḥuldu, Phasael


The article presents a Nabataean text inscribed in raised relief on a bronze plate and dated to the seventh year of the Nabataean king Aretas IV (3 BC). The text is significant since it mentions the dedication of a water well/cistern by Aretas, to his god Dushara, the God of Gaia “for the life of himself and his wife ḥldw, queen of the Nabataeans, and their daughter pṣʾl.” The paper includes a commentary on the vocabulary of the text and sheds some light on water and its association with the cult in Nabataea. In addition, it provides some details about ḥldw, queen of the Nabataeans and pṣʾl, the daughter of Aretas and ḥldw, allowing an update of the Nabataean royal family tree.

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How to Cite

al-Salameen, Zeyad, and Karl Schmitt-Korte. 2022. “Evidence from a Nabataean Inscription Regarding Water and Cult in Nabataea, With Some Remarks on the Nabataean Royal Family”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 26 (December):91-105. https://doi.org/10.12797/SAAC.26.2022.26.05.


