The Family of the Theban Priest Nesbandebdjedet


  • Maxim Panov Independent researcher, Novosibirsk



Thebes, Nectanebo II, priests, biography, personal names


Theban tomb no. 190 is one of the scant historical sources bearing evidence of several generations of a Theban priestly dynasty living in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC. Presumably, the tomb’s owner Nesbanebdjed(et) performed his duties in the Karnak Temple of Khonsu under Nectanebo II. The present publication provides an improved copy of the hieroglyphic inscriptions in TT 190 and discusses the obvious relevance of identifying people with similar names known from the monuments as Nesbanebdjed(et)’s relatives. A list of the personal names is supplied. The statues Cairo JE 37075, JE 36579 and the stelae Budapest MBA 51.1928, Prague MN P 1636 are also discussed, but the stela from Budapest was not considered as a monument belonging to the members of the family in question.

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How to Cite

Panov, Maxim. 2019. “The Family of the Theban Priest Nesbandebdjedet”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 23 (December):137-51.


