The Kilt and the Tunic of Anubis

Religious Iconography at the Service of Chronology in the Egyptian Thebes of the 2nd Century AD




Chronology, Anubis, vignette, Book of the Dead, Thebes, Roman Egypt


A collective burial from the early 2nd century AD, reusing the Theban Tomb 32, built in the Egyptian New Kingdom, offers a unique opportunity to learn about the practices of funerary workshops of the time. The particularity of this family group related to an archon named Soter lies in the fact that it allows the dating of their funerary assemblages in absolute and relative terms, as well as elements of their iconography. This circumstance is helpful for the study of these objects as well as other contemporary or nearby items. To illustrate the potential of this approach, we will focus on the image of the god Anubis when he accompanies the deceased to their judgement before Osiris.

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How to Cite

Ortiz-García, Jónatan. 2023. “The Kilt and the Tunic of Anubis: Religious Iconography at the Service of Chronology in the Egyptian Thebes of the 2nd Century AD”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 27 (December):183-200.


