„Co to są czary? Co za znaki ich?”

Litewskie kazanie i sposoby na czary z końca XVII i XVIII w.





witchcraft, heresy, sermon, preaching, Lithuania, God


„What Is Witchcraft? What Signify It ?” Lithuanian Sermons and Methods against Witchcraft from the End of 17th and 18th Centuries

Witchcraft as a crime attracted the attention of Polish-Lithuanian society in many aspects at the turn of 17th and 18th centuries. On the one hand, it was connected with a belief in its efficiency, in the existence of witches and sorcerers, and their covenant with the devil. The article analyzes two manuscripts: a prayer „Modlitwa przeciwko czarom i niebezpieczeństwom” and a sermon „Jako się strzedz czarów i potwarzy o nie”. The sermon utilizes contemporary rhetoric, stresses the importance of sin and appeals to the receivers through fear. What is somewhat surprising, the text maintains that most witchcraft happened with God’s permission, as God allows the devil to function in the society. The preacher was very skillful in using listeners’ emotions, building suspension and condemning peoples’ sins and bad deeds. There is no doubt he managed to attract the attention of the audience and had a real impact on the surrounding reality.



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How to Cite

Sawicki , M. (2018). „Co to są czary? Co za znaki ich?”: Litewskie kazanie i sposoby na czary z końca XVII i XVIII w. Studia Historyczne, 61(3 (243), 17–32. https://doi.org/10.12797/SH.61.2018.03.02



Articles and Dissertations