Gangraena i remedium, o herezjach i zwyrodnieniu religijnym w Anglii połowy XVII w.


  • Jakub Basista Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków



heresy, seventeenth century England, Clarendon Code, Gangraena


Gangraena and its cure: on Heresies and Religious Perversions in mid-seventeenth century England

The English Civil War saw an explosion in the production of printed material. Booklets, pamphlets, leaflets, and ballads of all types and covering all manner of subjects appeared in their thousands. Indeed, the number of titles printed during this period surpassed 2,000 per year. Among these we find a large category of prints denouncing religious heresy and perverse behaviors. The most elaborate of these was Thomas Edwards’s Gangraena, which ran to several thousand pages in length and spanned three consecutive volumes. In this article, the author looks at various religious sects in England and aspects of their beliefs and behaviors to examine how the Restoration England of Charles II tried to cure its population of unorthodox and perverse religious ideas.

Author Biography

Jakub Basista, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

Prof. UJ, wykładowca w Instytucie Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Autor ok. 100 publikacji naukowych. Jego zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się na Anglii XVII w., w szczególności historii mentalności, problemach religijnych oraz kwestiach kolonialnych. Członek Royal Historical Society, a także Renaissance Society of America, Society for Reformation Studies oraz International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in History. Redaktor „Studiów Historycznych”.



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How to Cite

Basista, J. (2021). Gangraena i remedium, o herezjach i zwyrodnieniu religijnym w Anglii połowy XVII w. Studia Historyczne, 62(2 (246), 65–86.


