“If I return this time I must return greater...”
Kunwar Narain: His Reminiscences and Retellings of the Past
Kunwar Narain, Hindi poetry, Hindi short story, autobiographical motifsAbstract
“If I return this time I must return greater...” Kunwar Narain: His Reminiscences and Retellings of the Past
Kunwar Narain (1927-2017), an eminent Hindi poet and writer, in his interviews, introductions to published works and public speeches discusses at length matters connected to his writing, poetry and aesthetics, but is somewhat reluctant to share details of his private life. The article is divided into two parts: the former studies the few and far between references Narain made to his own life in his para-textual writings and the latter close reads four of his poems and a short-story that refers to his trips to Poland bringing out autobiographical motifs.
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