Pomoc rozwojowa w Palestynie: mylne założenia i podtrzymywanie status quo?


  • Ewa Górska Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie




development aid, foreign aid, Palestine, Palestinian Autonomy, development, postcolonialism


Development Aid in Palestine: Wrong Assumptions and Maintaining the status quo?

This article is focused on critically analyzing the main assumptions on which development aid for Palestine is based, in the context of the present political and economic situation in the Palestinian territories, especially the West Bank (which is governed by the Palestinian National Authority). Palestinian Autonomy is one of the main receivers of development aid in the world. However, development assistance has a certain structure, which is based on certain assumptions of the donors. In the case of Palestine, these include that development aid leads to real economic growth and building an independent Palestinian statehood, that it supports the peace process and the two-state solution, that it is politically neutral, and that the donors are acting in the best interests of beneficiaries. Those assumptions are challenged here.


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How to Cite

Górska, Ewa. 2019. “Pomoc Rozwojowa W Palestynie: Mylne założenia I Podtrzymywanie Status Quo?”. Politeja 16 (4(61):317-39. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.16.2019.61.18.