Kryzys Unii, idei, polityki? Oferta programowa głównych europartii w kontekście wyborów 2014 r.


  • Anna A. Skrzypek Fundacja Europejskich Studiów Postępowych (FEPS)



europarties, manifesto, European elections, crisis of the EU, crisis of the traditional political parties


Crisis of the Union, of its’ idea, of its’ politics? The programmatic offer of the leading europarties in the context of the European elections 2014

The aim of this article is to comperatively evaluate the electoral manifestoes of the 4 largest Europarties, which thee had presented in the context of the European Elections 2014. Respectively the material that is subjected to qualitative analyses are the documents voted by: EPP (European People’s Party), PES (Party of European Socialists), ALDE (Alliance of the Liberals and Democrats) and EGP (European Greens Party). The findings built on the earlier studies that had been completed by the same author on the subject, whilst introducing a new, two‑piers analytical dimenssion. The first is the lense of the evolution of the europarties in the aftermath of the Lisbon Treaty. And the second is the persitent tripple‑folded crisis: of the European Union, of the idea of the European integration and of the so called “traditional (political) parties”. Having that in mind, the author seeks to determine in how far the renewal of the European project can be expected to result from the proposals of the europarties.


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Author Biography

Anna A. Skrzypek, Fundacja Europejskich Studiów Postępowych (FEPS)

Doktor nauk politycznych, absolwentka Wydziału Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Autorka ponad 80 publikacji z zakresu europeistyki, studiów nad systemami partyjnymi oraz współczesnej myśli politycznej. Pracuje jako Senior Research Fellow w Foundation for European Progressive Studies w Brukseli.


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How to Cite

Skrzypek, Anna A. 2016. “ Polityki? Oferta Programowa głównych Europartii W kontekście wyborów 2014 R”. Politeja 13 (4 (43):5-41.


