Kraje Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej i rozszerzenie NATO a polityka zagraniczna Federacji Rosyjskiej w latach 1992‑1994


  • Igor Grieckij Petersburski Uniwersytet Państwowy



Russia, NATO enlargement, Central and Eastern Europe, foreign policy, Poland, Yeltsin, Kozyrev


Central and Eastern Europe countries and NATO enlargement in foreign policy of Russian Federation in 1992‑1992

The beginning of the 1990s is one of the most interesting and controversial periods in the history of Russian foreign policy. At that time, extensive reforms were introduced in Russia in the framework of transition to market economy and institutions of civil society. Russia’s foreign policy has undergone great changes, as well, many of its fundamental provisions were subject to significant adjustment. In particular, the new leadership of Russia is no longer considered NATO as an enemy, and even let in a possibility of Russia’s prospects for NATO membership in future. However, by 1994, the Kremlin’s position on that issue has changed dramatically. This article examines the nature of these changes in Russia’s foreign policy, as well as the reasons why the Russian government perceived negatively the CEE countries’ aspirations to join NATO, and considered it as a threat to its national interests.


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Author Biography

Igor Grieckij, Petersburski Uniwersytet Państwowy

Doktor nauk historycznych, docent w Katedrze Stosunków Międzynarodowych na Obszarze Postradzieckim na Wydziale Stosunków Międzynarodowych Petersburskiego Uniwersytetu Państwowego.


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How to Cite

Grieckij, Igor. 2015. “Kraje Europy Środkowej I Wschodniej I Rozszerzenie NATO a Polityka Zagraniczna Federacji Rosyjskiej W Latach 1992‑1994”. Politeja 12 (7 (34/2):181-94.