History and Political Theory of Civilian-Military Relations in Venezuela


  • Hernán Castillo Simón Bolívar University
  • Leonardo R. Ledezma University of Phoenix, Dallas Campus, USA




Venezuela, Civilian-Military Relations (relaciones civiles y militares), Praetorianism (pretorianismo), Democracy (democracia), Civilian Control of Armed Forces (control civil de las Fuerzas Armadas), Political Theory (teoria política)


This paper examines a set of conditions that have allowed the existence and de-velopment of praetorianism, and the absence of effective civilian control over the military in Venezuela. This study is based on the analysis of the theoretical parameters laid out by Domingo Irwin, S.E. Finer, in contrast to the works of U.S. author, Gene Bigler.


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Author Biographies

Hernán Castillo, Simón Bolívar University

Ph.D, holds a Ph.D. in History, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello UCAB, 2004; M.A. in Political Science, Universidad Simón Bolívar USB, 1984; Associate Faculty at the Social Sciences Department, Universidad Simón Bolívar USB; Visiting Professor, Texas A&M University TAMU, 2002; Director of the Argos Journal, Universidad Simón Bolívar USB, 2008-2011.

Leonardo R. Ledezma, University of Phoenix, Dallas Campus, USA

Ph.D, holds a Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Delaware, USA; Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University, TAMU, Dept. of Sociology, 2000-2004; Associate Faculty at University of Phoenix, Dallas, Texas, 2008 to present; Evaluation Specialist at Dallas I.S.D. – Federal Funded programs, 2004-present.


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How to Cite

Castillo, Hernán, and Leonardo R. Ledezma. 2013. “History and Political Theory of Civilian-Military Relations in Venezuela”. Politeja 10 (2 (24):31-48. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.10.2013.24.04.