The Role of Political Parties in Venezuela’s Political Culture


  • Daniel E. Varnagy Simón Bolívar University
  • Herbert Koeneke R. Simón Bolívar University



Parties, political culture, “andean hegemony”, “perezjimenismo” democratic transition, “polyarchy”, “partyarchy”


The main role of parties in Venezuelan political culture has been historically interrupted by the “Andean hegemony” dictatorships (1899‑1945) and “perezjimenismo” (1948‑1958). With the return to democracy in 1958, parties resumed their role as key political actors, but it began to deteriorate in the early 1980’s, having declined significantly during the current government of Lieutenant‑Colonel Hugo Chávez Frías. In this paper, we analyze the history and prospects of partisan influence in Venezuelan political culture, with special emphasis on the second half of the twentieth century.


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Author Biographies

Daniel E. Varnagy, Simón Bolívar University

Ph.D. in Political Science from Simón Bolívar University, (2004). He holds a Post‑ Doctoral certificate from CIPOST – FACES – UCV (2007). Master of Business Administration (1995), and Electrics Engineer from SBU (1993). Dr. Varnagy has two main research lines: Political Culture, Social Capital, Ethics and Development, and Added Economic Value: Financial Planning and Strategy.

Herbert Koeneke R., Simón Bolívar University

Ph.D. in Political Science (1983) from Tulane University, New Orleans, La., Master of Arts in Mass Communication (M.A) (1977), from Stanford, and MA in Political Science (1980) from The University of Michigan. Social Communicator from Universidad Central de Venezuela (1974). He is an expert in political communications issues and public opinion.


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How to Cite

Varnagy, Daniel E., and Herbert Koeneke R. 2013. “The Role of Political Parties in Venezuela’s Political Culture”. Politeja 10 (2 (24):81-104.