Energy Policy of Poland until 2040: The Challenges and Threats to Energy Security in the Next Two Decades




Poland, energy policy, energy security, energy transformation, decarbonization


Poland’s energy transformation will be carried out over the next two decades, and its main objective is decarbonization. Specific goals are included in the energy policy of Poland until 2040. In this context, it should be emphasized that the Polish energy sector requires a complete modernization, especially in terms of electricity supply. The current state of affairs is a consequence of the still too high use of coal in the energy mix. The planned investments are to lead to a deep transition in the Polish energy sector, which will ensure the energy security of the state. The Polish energy policy proposes several methods that are to be used for modernization, i.e., gasification of the electricity sector, implementation of nuclear energy, or the development of renewable energy sources. In this context, it is necessary to identify the challenges and threats to Poland’s energy security. The article presents the current state of the Polish energy sector, the main goals of the EPP 2040 and the resulting threats to energy security.


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Author Biography

Wiktor Hebda, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University (Department of National Security). His main scientific interests focus on the problems of energy security as well as political, economic and social issues in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans, with particular emphasis on the post-Yugoslav states. He is the author of two monographs (Serbian-Croatian political relations at the turn of XX and XXI century, Warsaw 2018; Politics and energy sector in the selected countries of Southeast Europe, Krakow 2019) and several dozen scientific articles. In the last few years, he has carried out scientific projects financed, among others, by the National Science Centre, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, the government of the Republic of Serbia and the government of the Republic of Slovakia, conducting research in Croatia, Serbia, Austria and Slovakia.


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How to Cite

Hebda, Wiktor. 2022. “Energy Policy of Poland until 2040: The Challenges and Threats to Energy Security in the Next Two Decades”. Politeja 19 (4 (79):167-86.



Understanding Contemporary Security