Townscapes, Gentlemen and Bizarre Characters: The Importance of Natsume Sōseki's Studies in London




Natsume Sōseki, London, diaries, sketches, Eijitsu Shōhin, Kārairu Hakubutsukan


The article focuses on Natsume Sōseki’s letters, diaries and sketches related to his stay in London from 1900 till the end of 1902. It presents passages from his correspondence with his wife and friends in which he describes his surroundings, his mindset and the people he meets while abroad. It also explores the autobiographical sketches: The Carlyle Museum (1905) and Spring Miscellany (1909), analysing the images and narrative techniques which anticipate Sōseki’s later development as a writer.


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How to Cite

Sonnenberg-Musiał, K. (2019). Townscapes, Gentlemen and Bizarre Characters: The Importance of Natsume Sōseki’s Studies in London. Intercultural Relations, 3(2(6), 61–79.