The Presence of Euboeans in the North Helladic Region and the Myths of Heracles


  • Michalis Tiverios Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece



Greek colonisation, myths of Heracles, Euboeans, northern Aegean, myths and political propaganda


Recent excavations carried out in Chalcidice and at the head of the Thermaic Gulf have revealed that the Euboeans played a leading role in these areas, during the first and second Greek colonization. This is also attested by written evidence. The prominent position enjoyed by Heracles in northern Greece, which is confirmed not only by the written sources but also by the relevant representations on monuments found in this region, must be mainly due to the Euboeans. It is difficult, however, to deal with issues relevant to the formation and dissemination of these myths of Heracles and reach definite conclusions. As is well known, the Greeks often created myths in order to legitimize their conquests and territorial claims.

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How to Cite

Tiverios, Michalis. 2013. “The Presence of Euboeans in the North Helladic Region and the Myths of Heracles”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 17 (December):97-112.


