Attalos III, King and Sculptor

An Appendix to Vollkommer's Künstlerlexikon


  • Tomasz Polański Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland



Attalos III, Berenike, Stratonike, sculptor, Pergamon, Rome


In his epitome Justin related Pompeius Trogus’ story, who apparently wanted to convince his readers that Attalos III, who was insane, accused his relatives of poisoning Berenike and Stratonike. Before he died he had bequeathed his kingdom to Rome. Sallust adduced the words of Mithridates VI, who considered Attalos’ testament a Roman forgery. What we know from Justin’s version is the Roman version, which was produced to justify the annexation of a foreign country and the seizure of the Attalids’ immense treasures. Attalos was one of the best educated Hellenistic monarchs, a lover and patron of the arts and sciences, a sculptor and a man of letters. With the slaying of Attalos III and his closest relatives the Roman senators also terminated the last great project of patronage over the Hellenic arts, letters and sciences.

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How to Cite

Polański, Tomasz. 2013. “Attalos III, King and Sculptor: An Appendix to Vollkommer’s Künstlerlexikon”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 17 (December):163-79.


