The Bronze Calyx-Krater from the ‘Heuzey B’ Tomb in Vergina (Ancient Aigai)


  • Stella Drougou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece



4th century BC, metal work, bronze vases, Aigai-Vergina, Heuzey


The calyx-krater with masks of Maenads on the handles was found in the small built tomb ‘Heuzey B’ on the east side of the necropolis of ancient Aigai (Vergina). The tomb belongs to the burial group Heuzey and is dated to the last decades of the 4th century BC based on archaeological evidence. The new crater from Vergina (krater ‘Heuzey’) complements the small group of bronze krater of the second half of the 4th century BC, which served as the urn (Urne). It seems no coincidence that all of the examples come from Macedonia, as shown by the excavations (Vergina-Aigai, Pydna) or the comparative study (Athens, ex White Collection).

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How to Cite

Drougou, Stella. 2015. “The Bronze Calyx-Krater from the ‘Heuzey B’ Tomb in Vergina (Ancient Aigai)”. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation 19 (December):139-67.


